Earth’s Day/Night, Year, & Seasons How rotation, revolution, and tilt cause it all!
Cut lines (top sheet only!) The Cause of Earth’s… Day/Night Year Seasons (every 9 cm) Cut lines (top sheet only!)
The Cause of Earth’s… Day/Night Year Seasons Rotation
The Cause of Earth’s… Day/Night Year Seasons Rotation
The Cause of Earth’s… Day/Night Year Seasons (Definition) Rotation is the spinning of a body, in this case Earth, on its axis. (Definition) Earth spins/rotates counterclockwise. (Key Statements) It takes 24 hours for one rotation. The side facing the Sun experiences day, and the side facing away from the Sun experiences night.
The Cause of Earth’s… Day/Night Year Seasons Revolution Rotation
The Cause of Earth’s… Rotation Day/Night Year Seasons (Definition) (Key Statements)
The Cause of Earth’s… Revolution Rotation Revolution Tilt Day/Night Year Seasons Revolution Rotation Revolution Tilt NO! YES!
The Cause of Earth’s… Revolution Rotation Day/Night Year Seasons (Definition) (Key Statements)