MS. BULLOCK 8TH GRADE SCIENCE LESSON PLANS Week of April 23-27 * Lessons Plans are subject to change to teacher’s discretion
Announcements Waves and Light Units Assessment Wednesday, April 25 Optional Homework Assignment: PASS Review Crossword: Will be given out April; 20th and due April 27- I will not accept it after April 27 (quiz grade) SC Ready Science Monday, April 30 Beginning Roller Coaster Unit on Tuesday, May 1; this project will be a project grade for the 4th Quarter
Announcements We are beginning our Roller Coaster Unit on Tuesday, May 1. This ties in wonderfully to our trip to Carowinds on May 10. Part of this Roller Coaster unit involves a project, I am seeking donations of 65 lb. card stock for our roller coaster unit next month. In total, I will need 768 pieces of white, 72 of red, green, and yellow, 48 orange, 24 purple, and 24 light blue. Also, I am asking for 24 (one for each group of four students) foam or cardboard pieces (12 3/4" x 22 3/4") for the bases of the roller coaster. Any donations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for all the classroom support thus far in the school year
Monday, April 23, 2018 Standard: Waves Objective: SWBAT review concepts of Light Energy and Sight Classwork: Turn in Light and Sight Stations; Have it out at your seat. Warm up: Density Go over Light and Sight Stations Study Guide outline for Waves and Light Assessment Physical Science: Light Video (10 facts about video clip) Homework: Study Waves Vocabulary and Notes; Study Light and Eye Vocabulary and Notes; Waves and Light Assessment Wednesday, April 25. Optional PASS Review Crossword Puzzle due Friday, April 27 (quiz grade)
Waves and Light Study Guide Pass back Waves Stations to include: -Note guide for Waves and Light Energy -Making Waves and Calculating Waves Venn Diagram of Mechanical Waves (Transverse and Compressional) Vocabulary for Waves and Light Energy Waves Homework (½ Sheet) Warm ups: Review Density Chart (page 7ish in SEPS notebook) we did this earlier in the year Waves Concept Map Light (½ Sheet) Discovery Education:
Tuesday, April 24, 2018 Standard: SEPs, Waves, Force and Motion, Earth’s Place in the Universe, Earth’s Structure, and History of Life on Earth Objective: SWBAT communicate the key concepts for a specific 8th Grade Science Standard Classwork: Warm up Begin 8th Grade Science Standards Review Group Project (Class Presentations on Friday, April 27) Homework: Study Waves Vocabulary and Notes; Study Light and Eye Vocabulary and Notes; Waves and Light Assessment Wednesday, April 25. Optional PASS Review Crossword Puzzle due Friday, April 27 (quiz grade)
Wednesday, April 25, 2018 Standard: Waves Objective: SWBAT master concepts of Waves and Light Energy through an assessment. Classwork: Waves and Light Energy Assessment Work on 8th Grade Standard Review Project Homework: Study Waves Vocabulary and Notes; Study Light and Eye Vocabulary and Notes; Waves and Light Assessment Wednesday, April 25. Optional PASS Review Crossword Puzzle due Friday, April 27 (quiz grade)
Thursday, April 26, 2018 Standard: SEPs, Waves, Force and Motion, Earth’s Place in the Universe, Earth’s Structure, and History of Life on Earth Objective: SWBAT communicate the key concepts for a specific 8th Grade Science Standard Classwork: Warm up Work on 8th Grade Science Standards Review Group Project Homework: Study Waves Vocabulary and Notes; Study Light and Eye Vocabulary and Notes;Optional PASS Review Crossword Puzzle due Friday, April 27 (quiz grade)
Friday, April 27, 2018 Standard: SEPs, Waves, Force and Motion, Earth’s Place in the Universe, Earth’s Structure, and History of Life on Earth Objective: SWBAT communicate the key concepts for a specific 8th Grade Science Standard Classwork: PASS Review Crossword Puzzle due at the beginning of class Warm up Class Presentations of 8th Grade Science Standards Review Group Project (7 minute presentations) Homework: Study Waves Vocabulary and Notes; Study Light and Eye Vocabulary and Notes;Optional PASS Review Crossword Puzzle due Friday, April 27 (quiz grade)