4. China ~2200BCE Central govt. Xia, Shang, Zhou dynasties Ruler was the “son of heaven” (intermediary between heaven and earth) Written lang., oracle bones as early docs. Maintained cultural continuity.
Chinese Geography An Isolated land – Chinese civilization, begun over 3,500 years ago and outlasted all of its peers. This is due partly to geography. Ancient China was isolated from all other ancient civilizations.
Shang Dynasty 1500-1027 BCE
Society Anyone not Chinese was a barbarian This is partially due to their isolation
The Family Family was central in China Everyone has a defined role Eldest man is in charge of the family The youngest woman has no power
Women Treated as inferiors Prearranged marriages 13-16 years old Young brides would be afraid, unsure of how they will be treated in their new home.
Early religion Spirits of family ancestors Not gods, but could be helpful or hurtful Only sons could carry on traditional religious duties
View of Government Duty to family was where loyalty lied. The ruler was like a super-grandfather who had the responsibility for the welfare of all Chinese people. This ruler was seen to have the “Mandate of Heaven”, or divine approval.
Mandate of Heaven
Shang First civilization remains discovered on the Yellow river. Loess – yellow soil from the western mountains. Very fertile, makes the river appear yellow. Yellow river – floods, unpredictable (China’s Sorrow)
Early Cities 2000 BCE – along the Yellow River Anyang – wooden city
Social Classes Nobles Warrior-nobles owned the land, served in the army and government. Skilled with horse, bow, and chariot Gathered taxes to send to Shang ruler in exchange for local control
Social Classes Peasants Craftsmen Farmed for nobles During Shang times – had no plows, only sticks and stone tools Craftsmen Artisans lived outside the city walls at Anyang Lifestyle in between that of noble and peasant
Crafts Bronze work Bells Silk Silk worm cocoons
Writing system Oracle bones- Tortoise shell and animal bones used to tell the future Chinese characters stand for ideas, not sounds There is no link between spoken and written Chinese. You could read Chinese without being able to speak it, just like we can all read 2+2=4 and understand it.
Writing (continued) Advantages disadvantages People in China could all learn the same written language even if they spoke very different languages. All characters must be memorized To be barely literate one needed to know at least 1000 characters To be a scholar 5000-10000 Severely limited the number of educated Chinese people
5. Egypt Earliest settlement along the Nile River in 5000 BCE Flooding along the Nile river along a yearly cycle Predictable : Too much = destruction Too little = famine?
Nile then (“Gift of the river”) and today.
Egypt Pharaohs – God-Kings Highly stratified society.
Polytheistic Religion Anubis- Funeral Protector of the dead Polytheistic Religion Isis- Protection Set -Chaos Thoth – Writing and knowledge Osiris –Dead Underworld
In The Beginning… At first there was only Nun From these waters rose Ra, and emerged from blue lotus Primordial and chaotic waters of the beginning In The Beginning… And he created Shu –the air and Tefnut – the moisture Who gave birth to Nut-the sky and Geb-the Earth Thus creating the physical universe Later-defying Ra, they marry giving birth to Set, Osiris, Isis
Pyramids build as tombs Strong belief in afterlife Focus on death – necropolis Mummification
Writing system Hieroglyphics
Scientific achievements Written numbers Geometry Papyrus –writing Calendar – flooding cycle
Transliteration: iw wnm msh nsw, this means "The crocodile eats the king".