Welcome Class of 2023!
Kathy Henson- 9th Grade Kristi Wade- 10th – 12th A-F Bobby Deavers- 10th -12th G-O Pat Holder- 10th – 12th P-Z Leigh Huff- Office manager OMHS Counseling Staff
Please go to the Oak Mountain High School Web page and sign up for Listserv! Please Like Our Facebook Page Oak Mountain High School Follow @omhsprincipals on Twitter Keep In Touch!
Earn 24 credits Take four years of the CORE subjects (English, Math, Science, and Social Studies - 4 X 4 requirements) Take 1 year PE Life OR 2 years of band Take 1 year of Career Preparedness Take ½ year of Health 3 Credits earned from the following elective areas: Foreign Language and/or Fine Arts and/or Career Technical Education In Order to Graduate
Alabama High School Diploma SCBOE Advanced Academic Endorsement Minimum of Algebra II / Trig Chemistry 2 consecutive years of the same foreign language Fine Art Course Minimum of 2 AP courses (or equivalent), one of which must be a CORE subject (English, Math, Science, or Social Studies) Alabama High School Diploma SCBOE Advanced Academic Endorsement
Honor and Advanced Placement Courses Current performance Teacher Recommendation Standardized test results Personal interest, aptitude, and commitment to work hard How do I decide if Honor /AP courses are for me?
Process for completing the Blue Course Selection Sheet… ___ Need teacher recommendations for Honors / AP classes in English, Science and Social Studies ___ Need math teacher’s recommendation for math class ___ If taking a Foreign Language, English teacher needs to sign ___ P.E. or Band (Two years of Band = 1 year of PE) ___ Override process (Math vs. other CORE) Process for completing the Blue Course Selection Sheet…
Course Selection Deadline… All materials, with teachers’ signatures and parent signatures, are to be turned in during History class on: Wednesday, February 6 Course Selection Deadline…
Schedule change requests must be received no later than May 24, 2019. Please email requests to khenson@shelbyed.org Additional Deadlines
Parent Meeting regarding Course Selection Monday, February 4 at 9:00 am OMHS PAC or 6:00 pm at OMMS Cafeteria High School 101 and tour for Rising Freshmen and their Parents – April 30th Summer Registration Confirmation- TBA Save the dates…
Freshman and New Student Camp Student Open House/Walkthrough Friday, August 2, 2019 10am-2pm Student Open House/Walkthrough Saturday, August 3, 2019 9am-11-am Fans Camp