Roadmap for reporting exercise under DWD in WISE (2008-2010 data) Workshop on Drinking Water Directive reporting under WISE Brussels, 12 December 2011 Mihaela Raluca Dugoiasu European Commission, DG ENV Unit D.2 –Marine
Reporting exercise 2008-2010 2011 Practical steps undertaken for DWD integration into WISE Update Guidelines on Reporting under the DWD; Technical arrangements for reporting (IT reporting format) to support submission of reports to COMM by using guidelines; Update the IT tool; DD was replaced by DWD User Manual; Update/confirm the list of national data providers;
Reporting exercise 2008-2010 2011 Reporting exercise Templates and User Manual are available from CIRCA at: from Reportnet/WISE at: Preliminary QA/QC rules are implemented at Reportnet Any questions/problems in reporting exercise: Technical: WISE reporting at and a general help on how to use Reportnet will be provided through Contents questions related to DWD: , Deadline to upload reports end Feb 2012
Reporting exercise 2008-2010 Possible discussion with the Article 12 Committee Meeting members on the reporting arrangements in 2012, including work programme and timelines WG on reporting – to meet once before 30 April to elaborate on ideas on visualization? Presentations available at: