Template Provided By Genigraphics – 800.790.4001 Replace This Text With Your Title REPLACE THIS BOX WITH YOUR ORGANIZATION’S HIGH RESOLUTION LOGO REPLACE THIS BOX WITH YOUR ORGANIZATION’S HIGH RESOLUTION LOGO John Smith, MD1; Jane Doe, PhD2; Frederick Jones, MD, PhD1,2 1University of Affiliation, 2Medical Center of Affiliation Statement of Problem/Question Results This should be an introduction to the problem/question that you were investigating. This should summarize the information from your raw data. Very important for those of you will lots of data. Brief Summary of Background Information You should provide an overall summary of the key points you learned from your background research. Chart 1. Label in 24pt Calibri. Experimental Design Conclusions Here you will list provide your hypothesis in as an If/Then statement. Provide the Independent variable and its different levels, the dependent variable, control, and constants. This should be the conclusion from your paper. Raw Data Table Materials and Procedures If you have a large amount of raw data, then show a sample of the raw data tables. Should also the averages. Here you will provide a summary of your procedures. They do not have to be as detailed as in the paper. This section helps the observer understand the overall/general procedures that were used to gather the data. Data Gaps Heading Item 800 790 4001 356 856 290 228 134 238 954 875 976 324 325 301 199 137 186 This should be your Data Gaps section from your paper. Table 1. Label in 24pt Calibri. Figure 2. Label in 24pt Calibri. Figure 1. Label in 24pt Calibri. Contact References <your name> <your organization> Email: Website: Phone: