1st meeting of the Sub-Group


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Presentation transcript:

1st meeting of the Sub-Group Guidelines on the management of farmland in Natura 2000 CASE STUDIES 1st meeting of the Sub-Group 20 May 2011 N2K Group & IEEP

Guidance on management of farmland in Natura 2000 CASE STUDIES 1 case study per Member State in Natura 2000 sites, all biogeo regions represent different types of habitats and agricultural land and practices different types of conservation measures reflect the key issues challenges identified ref. agriculture management for nature conservation reflect the principles of integrated management

Guidance on management of farmland in Natura 2000 CASE STUDIES, some key aspects: Efficient use of the different types of CAP measures for Natura 2000 sites, habitats & species of CI. Use of complementary funds + other instruments & tools Stakeholder involvement in the design and implementation of the measures Ecosystems services and public goods provided by the measures implemented

Guidance on management of farmland in Natura 2000 CASE STUDIES – SELECTION CRITERIA: In Natura 2000 sites (only?) Habitats/species representative of biogeographical regions Represent main agricultural systems in EU, address different agric. practices and key interactions with nature conservation Major challenges in ensuring win-win coexistence between hab/spp protected in Natura 2000 and agricultural practice. Reflect principles of integrated management Participatory approach in design of emasures Good practice in resolving conflicts Efficient use of CAP/RDP, Use of other instruments (labels, incentives…) High demonstration value

Guidance on management of farmland in Natura 2000 CASE STUDIES – RELEVANT INFORMATION: A. Information about the site and habitats/species Conservation objectives and site management Habitats and species of CI targeted by measures Overlapping with other designated areas (LFA; HNVFA; WFD), other protection status B. Description of farming practices and measures applied Overview of traditional and current farming practices in the site, links or conflicts with conservation objectives of the site. CAP support available, Natura 200 payments. Measures applied in relation to species/habitats, site conservation objectives. CAP support: conditions and primes, beneficiaries, stakeholders involved, results, best practice, etc. Use of other possible instruments and tools for implementing measures (e.g. labels, fiscal incentives, PES…) Ecosystems services from farming practice and measures applied.

Guidance on management of farmland in Natura 2000 CASE STUDIES – RELEVANT INFORMATION: C. Key findings and results Key findings of the case study: successes, failures and shortcomings (and the reasons for these)  useful advice for the guidance document Impacts of farming practices and measures on the conservation status of specie and habitats present in the site . Main constraints for implementation, means and ways to solve them. Involvement of agricultural and environmental sectors Main lessons learnt; continuity of actions/measures, etc. D. References Relevant references, links and other sources for further information

Guidance on management of farmland in Natura 2000 CASE STUDIES – some typical examples: Agrienv. measures for steppe birds, wetland hab… Label for beef meat produced in a Natura 2000 site in Austria in accordance with specific conservation requirements Extensive sheep farming in a Natura site in Poland to conserve mountain grasslands …………………………..

Guidance on management of farmland in Natura 2000 Your contribution Comments on selection criteria Suggestions / information - case studies ……………………

Thank you! Concha Olmeda The N2K Group