Southern Baptist Convention 44,223 churches 44,223 churches 16.3 million members 16.3 million members United in two main areas: United in two main areas: 1.Doctrine 2.Missions – the churches voluntarily work together to accomplish more than each church could do alone.
Southern Baptist Missions 3 levels of cooperation: 3 levels of cooperation: Association – Brevard Baptist (53 churches in Brevard County) Association – Brevard Baptist (53 churches in Brevard County) State – Florida Baptist Convention (2759 churches in Florida) State – Florida Baptist Convention (2759 churches in Florida) Southern Baptist Convention (44,223 churches in the United States) Southern Baptist Convention (44,223 churches in the United States)
Southern Baptist Missions The Southern Baptist Convention has two mission agencies: The Southern Baptist Convention has two mission agencies: International Mission Board (IMB) – sends missionaries and starts churches around the world International Mission Board (IMB) – sends missionaries and starts churches around the world North American Mission Board (NAMB) – sends missionaries and starts churches in North America North American Mission Board (NAMB) – sends missionaries and starts churches in North America
International Mission Board 5260 missionaries serving in 153 nations missionaries serving in 153 nations. 609,968 international baptisms in ,968 international baptisms in ,497 new churches in ,497 new churches in 2007
North American Mission Board 5153 missionaries serving in North America 5153 missionaries serving in North America 2671 chaplains in North America 2671 chaplains in North America 1458 new churches in new churches in 2007
Southern Baptists Unique Missions Approach 1. Instead of working alone, 44,000+ churches combine resources. 2. Instead of supporting a few individual missionaries from FBCMI, your giving supports 13,000+ missionaries. 3. Missionaries focus entirely on ministry, because the churches provide the funds. In other mission agencies, missionaries must divide their time between ministry and fund raising. In other mission agencies, missionaries must divide their time between ministry and fund raising.
Southern Baptist Missions The SBC also has 6 seminaries in the United States for educating pastors and missionaries: 1. Southern (KY) 2. Southwestern (TX) 3. Southeastern (NC) 4. New Orleans (LA) 5. Golden Gate (CA) 6. Midwestern (MO)
Southern Baptist Giving So, there are five major areas to which Southern Baptists give: So, there are five major areas to which Southern Baptists give: 1. International Mission Board 2. North American Mission Board 3. Seminaries 4. State Conventions 5. Associations
The Cooperative Program To simplify the giving process and maximize our resources, the SBC formed the Cooperative Program. To simplify the giving process and maximize our resources, the SBC formed the Cooperative Program. Southern Baptist churches combine their resources by voluntarily giving money to the Cooperative Program. Southern Baptist churches combine their resources by voluntarily giving money to the Cooperative Program. Each individual church decides how much to give to the Cooperative Program. Each individual church decides how much to give to the Cooperative Program. The Cooperative Program money is used to support state conventions, NAMB, IMB, and the 6 seminaries. The Cooperative Program money is used to support state conventions, NAMB, IMB, and the 6 seminaries.
Additional Missions Offerings Southern Baptists also have three annual offerings to support missions: Southern Baptists also have three annual offerings to support missions: 1. Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions 2. Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for North American Missions 3. State Offerings (Maguire State Missions Offering in Florida)
Month of Missions at FBCMI At FBCMI, instead of asking you to give to three different mission offerings each year, we combine them into one offering during our Month of Missions. At FBCMI, instead of asking you to give to three different mission offerings each year, we combine them into one offering during our Month of Missions. Our Month of Missions offering is the ONE missions offering we take. Our Month of Missions offering is the ONE missions offering we take.
Month of Missions at FBCMI Our Month of Missions offering covers: Our Month of Missions offering covers: 1. Lottie Moon Offering for International Missions 2. Annie Armstrong Offering for North American Missions 3. Maguire Offering for Florida Missions 4. FBCMIs mission work
How FBCMI Gives to Missions We give to Southern Baptist mission efforts in two ways: We give to Southern Baptist mission efforts in two ways: 1. 5% of our budget receipts is distributed through the Cooperative Program % of our Month of Missions money goes to Southern Baptist mission agencies. – The remaining 46% supports FBCMIs mission work.
Cooperative Program Money
Month of Missions Money
FBCMI Total Missions Giving Florida Baptist Convention – $119,139 Florida Baptist Convention – $119,139 International Mission Board - $77,425 International Mission Board - $77,425 North American Mission Board - $29,657 North American Mission Board - $29,657 Seminaries - $16,105 Seminaries - $16,105 Brevard Baptist Association - $25,000 Brevard Baptist Association - $25,000 FBCMI Missions - $79,653 FBCMI Missions - $79,653 Total Missions Giving – $346,979 Total Missions Giving – $346,979
FBCMI Missions Work 230 church members went on mission trips in church members went on mission trips in signed up for signed up for mission trips to Guatemala; building a church for new believers. 3 mission trips to Guatemala; building a church for new believers. 4 mission trips to Mississippi with continued Hurricane Katrina relief. 4 mission trips to Mississippi with continued Hurricane Katrina relief. Jubilation – 108 students and chaperones to Vancouver to help plant a church. Jubilation – 108 students and chaperones to Vancouver to help plant a church.
FBCMI Missions Work Give to local jail ministry, Seafarers ministry, Teen Missions Give to local jail ministry, Seafarers ministry, Teen Missions House of Hope Food Ministry House of Hope Food Ministry Mission House maintenance and care Mission House maintenance and care 2009 mission trip to China to work with IMB missionaries 2009 mission trip to China to work with IMB missionaries 2010 mission trip to Italy 2010 mission trip to Italy
2007 FBCMI Missions Giving – What We Do Well We gave $346,979 to missions in We gave $346,979 to missions in In 2005, we gave $202,750. In 2005, we gave $202,750. We supported 5260 international missionaries. We supported 5260 international missionaries. We supported 7824 missionaries and chaplains in North America. We supported 7824 missionaries and chaplains in North America. We supported 230 church members on mission trips. We supported 230 church members on mission trips. We had 367 people and families give to missions in We had 367 people and families give to missions in 2007.
2007 FBCMI Missions Giving – What We Can Do Better We had 1607 giving units (individuals or families) in We had 1607 giving units (individuals or families) in of those giving units gave to Month of Missions. 367 of those giving units gave to Month of Missions. That means: That means: 1240 of our givers gave nothing to Month of Missions in of our givers gave nothing to Month of Missions in % of our givers gave nothing to Month of Missions in % of our givers gave nothing to Month of Missions in 2007.
2007 FBCMI Missions Giving – What We Can Do Better 189 of our givers gave over $100 in of our givers gave over $100 in That means 1418 gave less than $100 to Month of Missions for the year. That means 1418 gave less than $100 to Month of Missions for the year. If you give $100 per year to missions, thats less than $9 per month. If you give $100 per year to missions, thats less than $9 per month. That means 88% of our givers gave less than $9 per month directly to missions in That means 88% of our givers gave less than $9 per month directly to missions in 2007.
Some Perspective on Missions Giving Here is what our giving reveals about our priorities: Here is what our giving reveals about our priorities: 1. Cell Phone: $75/month 2. Television: $50/month 3. Gym Membership: $40/month 4. Internet: $25/month 5. Florida Today: $16.30/month 6. Missions: $8.33/month
Why Give to Missions? When you give to missions, you invest in: The work of Jesus (Matt 16:18). The work of Jesus (Matt 16:18). The culmination of all world history (Matt 24:14). The culmination of all world history (Matt 24:14). Something that has eternal significance (Matt 6:19-20). Something that has eternal significance (Matt 6:19-20). Something thats good for your heart (Matt 6:21). Something thats good for your heart (Matt 6:21).
2008 Goals 1. $200,000 to Month of Missions Last year: $130,000 Last year: $130, givers to missions Last year: 367 Last year: who give more than $100 Last year: 189 Last year: 189
Sacrificial Missions Giving If you will sacrifice… One $5 trip to Starbucks per week One $5 trip to Starbucks per week One $40 meal out per month One $40 meal out per month One Diet Pepsi per work day One Diet Pepsi per work day All of the above All of the above You could give… $260 to missions this year. $480 to missions this year. $130 to missions this year. $870 to missions this year.