Narrative Writing #13
Brainstorming Help hospital missed opportunity emergency drop injured dog helps man Help accident animal child alone lost life lost needing a home lend a hand advice direction smile struggle support small gesture love direction homeless going backwards place to sleep time artwork
Brainstorming Sport 1. feel 2. hear 3. taste 4. taste 5. See action
Restate the sentence in other way Describe an outstanding feature of the subject Or something unique about the subject Restate the sentence in other way Add more information about what you want to tell the reader Explain what the character is thinking Explain more about what the character is doing Provide more detail on the setting Strunk, W (Revised 2011). The Elements of Style. USA: The Elements of Style Press.
請描述關於主題的特色或其獨特之處。 請用別種方式重述句子 。 告訴讀者你想傳達的訊息是甚麼。 請說明主角人物的想法。 請說明主角人物要做些甚麼。 請提供多一些有關故事背景設定的細節。 Strunk, W (Revised 2011). The Elements of Style. USA: The Elements of Style Press.
More information Staring at my reflection in the plane window, trying not to think of the past, I ponder the person waiting for me. It has only been 2 years since we have seen each other, however the butterflies in my stomach make me feel like this will be our first time. I can still remember her soft, caring eyes and her beautiful nature. How I have missed her.
You Try - 1 Add more information The unknown soldier following me has done something unexpected, breaking his pattern, getting closer to his quarry, me. Add more information
“Why are you doing this?” You Try - 2 Add more information “Why are you doing this?” Add more information
You Try - 3 Add more information Putting aside our past differences, I stared at my friend sitting opposite me. Add more information
You Try - 4 Add more information Physically drained, I can see the end, however my journey is only just beginning. Add more information
You Try - 5 Add more information A strong wind pushes against my body, but I keep climbing, knowing my training will ensure victory. Add more information