The Decapolis Matthew 4: 23-25 Mark 5 :1-20
The First Missionary to the Decapolis Mark 5: 1-20 3 Seeming Hopeless Incurables A Demon Possessed Maniac met the Great Psychiatrist A Diseased, Penniless Woman met the Great Physician A Dead Daughter met the Great Pediatrician Our focus is the maniac of Gadara One of the cities of the Decapolis The Spirits ruled the man – vs. 1-5 He was defiled - Unclean Spirit- (evil not dirty) – vs. 1 He was depraved - Cemeteries and chains – vs. 2-3 He was desperate - Crying and cutting himself – vs. 5
The Savior Rescued the Man Rescued from His Mental Woe – vs. 15 Rescued from His Physical Woe – vs. 15 Rescued from His Social Woe – vs. 15 Rescued from His Spiritual Woe – vs. 18 The Society Rejected the Master- Why? Was it the Pigs? – vs. 14 Was it the Poor Report of the Swine Herders? – vs. 14 Was it the Power of the Savior? – vs. 15 Luke 8:37 The Sinner Received a Missionary Call What is missing from the story? What was wanted by the man? – vs. 18 What was God’s will for the man? – vs. 19-20