Composed by: Bradlee Williamson. October 15th 2012. 1st hour. Film/stage Actor Composed by: Bradlee Williamson. October 15th 2012. 1st hour.
Introduction. Picture this; You’re standing on a cold, wooden stage. The orbs of light overheard the only thing keeping you warm, wearing some gaudy outfit. Speaking in an accent too fancy for the normal upbringing you have, you look to the other person you speak a line of love. You move in for a quick kiss to show the emotion, you pull away and look to the crowd, tears and smiles all across lets you know how well you did. You ignore the crowd and go back to your act, you are your character. And the crowd is not there. I’ve been interested in being an actor as long as I have been alive it seems. It comes so naturally to me, to be able to step into another’s shoes and assume their role, their opinions and their attitude. I’ve been playing roles and telling stories all my life, I just had to realize I could make a living out of it. In order to glean a new insight into my chosen field I will research all the relevant fields such as, Working conditions, Employment, Earnings , Qualifications, and Nature of Work and a Related occupation.
The over all role of an actor is simple in its complexity. Read scripts and meet with agents and other professionals before accepting a role Audition in front of directors and producers Research their character’s personal traits and circumstances to better portray them to an audience Memorize and rehearse their lines with other actors Discuss their role with the director and other actors to improve the overall performance of the show Perform the role, following the director's directions Nature of work
Working Conditions Work as an actor is Physical=Mental; Able to act/Know how to act Indoors-ish; generally inside, can change Chaotically organized; Schedule revolves around work Stressed, frantic, rewarding
Training/qualifications No required education Drama classes Improvisation classes Evolve as you work Training through work Drama Club AP drama Senior!
Outlook/Employment Employment snails up Film>Stage California HollyWood (duh!)
Earnings Live comfortably 17 Dollars an hour usually Fulfills desire to keep working Hold side job, stay alive First purchase: Hopefully gift for special someone
Related careers Author Similar hours Pay about the same Creativity needed Work on own time Success=real money
Summary When someone says “I wanna be an actor!” it’s very usual to dismiss them because they really mean, “I want to be famous” I have no romanticized ideals that I’ll become famous. While that would be amazing and a great goal. I hope to work as an actor to give me a chance to express my need for diversity and story in my life, to give me an outlet for all my emotions. After going through and doing this research on my topic career I am a little distraught at how little the average actor makes, yet this also works to inspire me to be a great actor!
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