Lesson 8.1.2
1 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 10
10 20 30 100 50 80 60 70 90 40 10-19 30-39
Feb 1-28 March 1-31 April 1-30 May 1-31
10 20 30 100 50 80 60 70 90 40 Feb 1-28 March 1-31 May April 1-30
Q2 M
Males Center Spread
Females Center Spread
Males Females Median = 140 Median = 125 IQR = 64 Range = 350 IQR = 90 Center Median = 140 Median = 125 Spread IQR = 64 Range = 350 IQR = 90 Range = 280 Males Females Center Median = 140 Median = 125 Spread IQR = 64 Range = 350 IQR = 90 Range = 280 Males Females Center Median = 140 Median = 125 Spread IQR = 64 Range = 350 IQR = 90 Range = 280 Males Females Center Median = 140 Median = 125 Spread IQR = 64 Range = 350 IQR = 90 Range = 280
The following box-and-whiskers plot represents the length of time it takes for the males and females in a class to complete a maze. What is the range for each set of data? For each set of data, what is the median? What is the first quartile? The third quartile? Which gender is better at completing the maze? This table shows the marks (out of 50) obtained in some tests by two pupils: Find the range of each student. Find the mean of each student. Which pupil scored better on the given tests?