Get In The Habit the quality or state of being kind
1. Habit
The prevailing disposition or character of a person's thoughts and feelings : mental makeup
2. Highly
With approval : favorably
3. Effective
Producing a result that is wanted
4. Teen
A young person; 13-19 years of age
5. Success
Favorable or desired outcome
A distinguishing trait, quality, or property
7. Victory
The overcoming of an enemy or antagonist
8. Paradigms
Your point of view, frame of reference, or belief.
9. Principles
A comprehensive and fundamental law, doctrine, or assumption.
10. Centered
Emotionally stable and secure
11. Commitment
An agreement or pledge to do something in the future
12. Effort
Conscious exertion of power : hard work
13. Change
To replace with another
14. Relationship
A specific instance or type of kinship
15. Deposit
To place especially for safekeeping or as a pledge
16. Withdrawal
Removal from a place of deposit or investment
17. Promise
Declaration that one will do or refrain from doing something specified
18. Kindness
The quality or state of being kind
19. Honest
Free from fraud or deception
20. Talent
The natural endowments of a person