Naja Bentzen Policy analyst, Members' Research Service, EPRS Europe's online encyclopaedias: (Un)equal access to knowledge of general interest? Naja Bentzen Policy analyst, Members' Research Service, EPRS
Online national encyclopaedias in Europe (2018) Europe's online encyclopaedias: (Un)equal access to knowledge of general interest? February 2018 22/04/2019
Wikipedia articles in selected languages used in Europe Europe's online encyclopaedias: (Un)equal access to knowledge of general interest? February 2018 22/04/2019
Search engine market share in Europe (2017) Europe's online encyclopaedias: (Un)equal access to knowledge of general interest? February 2018 22/04/2019
Europe's online encyclopaedias: (Un)equal access to knowledge of general interest? February 2018 22/04/2019