The Overview Of a new plan
What is the average income curve?
Would you agree that MORE time and money could benefit you and everyone you know?
Nothing exciting about a flatlined income
What if you could double your income?
You and your time is worth more than others give you credit for. YOU just have to believe it!
and have more time to enjoy it AND help others too! You can have twice or even ten times the income you do now in the same 24 hrs per day you are given, and have more time to enjoy it AND help others too! YOU can double your income in the next year being associated with a growing company founded in Idaho!
Right now most people have a poor diet and eat processed foods with little nutritional value while consuming prescription medications at an alarming rate. Would you say most people could benefit with better health? The best way to reverse this downward spiral is by supplying the nutrition you need to heal and maintain an active and healthy lifestyle.
There is a small company called Time and Money in Carey Idaho. They offer the finest wholefood supplements for REAL nutrition and they have helped people improve their health in a big way! They won’t stay a small company for long because they were designed unselfishly to benefit Associates and enrich people’s lives. They pay out ALL profits to Associates through a 10% bonus and Profit Sharing plan. For every $100 volume on a left team and $100 on a right team each earns 1 share (about $5) when you have $50 of personal volume. $100 of personal volume TRIPLES the money earned in the profit sharing! In other words $30 becomes $90 and $100 becomes $300!
Here is how this small company will grow and you can double or triple and explode your income in the next 12 months! A cycle is simply doubling your business starting from cycle 1. First you start with a $100 starter kit and then register two Associates THIS WEEK! (one on the left and one on the right who will do $100 volume and wants to change their income and health this year!) That is 1 cycle. Then we help your two Associates do the same thing (in a week which is cycle 1 for them) That is cycle 2 for you. In 4 cycles you earn $225 in profit sharing alone In 8 cycles you earn almost $4000 in a month In 12 cycles you can earn between $60K - $100K/ month
If you only get it 10% right in 12 months… If you only get it 10% right in 12 months… would still be at $6000 per month and growing. When you focus on cycles in a week you may only ever spend $100 in your first month and from there on be in the black making a nice profit! Imagine getting to a $4000 per month income in just 8 weeks! What will that mean to you and your family? Who could use some of your help now?
Time and Money elevates people! Time and Money helps you improve your health and create an EXPOSIVE income in a powerful way! Time and Money elevates people!