Descent with Modification: A Darwinian View of Life Chapter 22 Descent with Modification: A Darwinian View of Life
Concept 22.3: Evolution is supported by an overwhelming amount of scientific evidence New discoveries continue to fill the gaps identified by Darwin in The Origin of Species
1. Direct Observations of Evolutionary Change Two examples provide evidence for natural selection: the effect of differential predation on guppy populations and the evolution of drug-resistant HIV
Predation and Coloration in Guppies : Scientific Inquiry John Endler has studied the effects of predators on wild guppy populations Brightly colored males are more attractive to females However, brightly colored males are more vulnerable to predation Guppy populations in pools with fewer predators had more brightly colored males
Area of colored spots (mm2) colored spots Number of Fig. 22-13 EXPERIMENT Predator: Killifish; preys mainly on juvenile guppies (which do not express the color genes) Experimental transplant of guppies Pools with killifish, but no guppies prior to transplant Guppies: Adult males have brighter colors than those in “pike-cichlid pools” Predator: Pike-cichlid; preys mainly on adult guppies Guppies: Adult males are more drab in color than those in “killifish pools” RESULTS 12 12 Figure 22.13 Can predation result in natural selection for color patterns in guppies? 10 10 8 8 Area of colored spots (mm2) colored spots Number of 6 6 4 4 2 2 Source population Transplanted population Source population Transplanted population
EXPERIMENT Experimental transplant of guppies Fig. 22-13a EXPERIMENT Predator: Killifish; preys mainly on juvenile guppies (which do not express the color genes) Experimental transplant of guppies Pools with killifish, but no guppies prior to transplant Guppies: Adult males have brighter colors than those in “pike-cichlid pools” Figure 22.13 Can predation result in natural selection for color patterns in guppies? Predator: Pike-cichlid; preys mainly on adult guppies Guppies: Adult males are more drab in color than those in “killifish pools”
Area of colored spots (mm2) colored spots Number of Fig. 22-13b RESULTS 12 12 10 10 8 8 Area of colored spots (mm2) colored spots Number of 6 6 4 4 2 2 Figure 22.13 Can predation result in natural selection for color patterns in guppies? Source population Transplanted population Source population Transplanted population
Endler transferred brightly colored guppies (with few predators) to a pool with many predators As predicted, over time the population became less brightly colored Endler also transferred drab colored guppies (with many predators) to a pool with few predators As predicted, over time the population became more brightly colored
The Evolution of Drug-Resistant Viruses The use of drugs to combat particular viruses selects for viruses resistant to these drugs HOW? By chance some viruses have mutations that allow them to survive the drug Other viruses are killed off but the viruses with the mutation survive—and reproduce In the next generation, more viruses are resistant
Natural selection does not create new traits, but edits or selects for traits already present in the population The local environment determines which traits will be selected for or selected against in any specific population
1a. Artificial Selection
2. The Fossil Record The fossil record provides evidence of the extinction of species, the origin of new groups, and changes within groups over time
The Darwinian view of life predicts that evolutionary transitions should leave signs in the fossil record Paleontologists have discovered fossils of many such transitional forms
(a) Pakicetus (terrestrial) Fig. 22-16 (a) Pakicetus (terrestrial) (b) Rhodocetus (predominantly aquatic) Figure 22.16 The transition to life in the sea Pelvis and hind limb (c) Dorudon (fully aquatic) Pelvis and hind limb (d) Balaena (recent whale ancestor)
(a) Pakicetus (terrestrial) Fig. 22-16ab (a) Pakicetus (terrestrial) Figure 22.16 The transition to life in the sea (b) Rhodocetus (predominantly aquatic)
(c) Dorudon (fully aquatic) Fig. 22-16cd Pelvis and hind limb (c) Dorudon (fully aquatic) Figure 22.16 The transition to life in the sea Pelvis and hind limb (d) Balaena (recent whale ancestor)
3. Homology Homology is similarity resulting from common ancestry
Humerus Radius Ulna Carpals Metacarpals Phalanges Human Cat Whale Bat Fig. 22-17 Humerus Radius Ulna Carpals Metacarpals Figure 22.17 Mammalian forelimbs: homologous structures Phalanges Human Cat Whale Bat
Comparative embryology reveals anatomical homologies not visible in adult organisms
Pharyngeal pouches Post-anal tail Chick embryo (LM) Human embryo Fig. 22-18 Pharyngeal pouches Post-anal tail Figure 22.18 Anatomical similarities in vertebrate embryos Chick embryo (LM) Human embryo
Vestigial structures are remnants of features that served important functions in the organism’s ancestors
Homologies and “Tree Thinking” The Darwinian concept of an evolutionary tree of life can explain homologies Evolutionary trees are hypotheses about the relationships among different groups Evolutionary trees can be made using different types of data, for example, anatomical and DNA sequence data
Homologous characteristic Fig. 22-19 Branch point (common ancestor) Lungfishes 1 Amphibians Tetrapods 2 Mammals Tetrapod limbs Amniotes 3 Lizards and snakes Amnion 4 Crocodiles Figure 22.19 Tree thinking: information provided in an evolutionary tree Homologous characteristic 5 Ostriches Birds 6 Feathers Hawks and other birds
Convergent Evolution Convergent evolution is the evolution of similar, or analogous, features in distantly related groups Analogous traits arise when groups independently adapt to similar environments in similar ways Convergent evolution does not provide information about ancestry
NORTH AMERICA Sugar glider AUSTRALIA Flying squirrel Fig. 22-20 Figure 22.20 Convergent evolution Flying squirrel
4. Biogeography Darwin’s observations of biogeography, the geographic distribution of species, formed an important part of his theory of evolution Islands have many endemic species that are often closely related to species on the nearest mainland or island
Earth’s continents were formerly united in a single large continent called Pangaea, but have since separated by continental drift An understanding of continent movement and modern distribution of species allows us to predict when and where different groups evolved
What Is Theoretical About Darwin’s View of Life? In science, a theory accounts for many observations and data and attempts to explain and integrate a great variety of phenomena Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection integrates diverse areas of biological study and stimulates many new research questions Ongoing research adds to our understanding of evolution
Individuals in a population vary in their heritable characteristics. Fig. 22-UN1 Observations Individuals in a population vary in their heritable characteristics. Organisms produce more offspring than the environment can support. Inferences Individuals that are well suited to their environment tend to leave more offspring than other individuals and Over time, favorable traits accumulate in the population.