Citizen / Customer Satisfaction Management Learning Team “Presentation to IPSG Bruges , 24-25 November 2010” Nick Thijs
54th DG Resolution - Mandate “The Directors General give mandate for a period of 18 months to a new CSM Learning Team, reporting to IPSG, to study the transformation of citizen perception data into reforms of public policies and services and develop therefore possible indicators. The LT will produce guidelines for the Member States on that topic. The LT will choose a coordinating person among its participants and Belgium will assume the meetings organization in Brussels”. Discussions IPSG Leuven meeting (27-28 September) Input for the Learning team meeting Discussions CSM LT Brussels meeting (13 October) Based upon IPSG input Draft memo by EIPA (end of October) Comments by the members of the CSM LT (beginning of November) => 14 countries in the LT EIPA - 2010
CSM Learning team: place and time EIPA - 2010
General overview new mandate Gather information on citizens / customers Setting up concrete improvements Measure (show) improving results EIPA - 2010
Gather information on citizens / customers Phase 1: Key Question is what instruments / techniques are used for what reasons ? And subsequently, if we want to improve (service delivery) what are the instruments we can use best ? Are all the instruments suitable for improving reasons, … ? The LT will not again describe all the techniques in detail, this is what has been done in the previous mandate. In this phase we will focus on motives (reasons) for measuring / gathering info EIPA - 2010
Setting up concrete improvements Phase 2: Key questions in this phase are the mechanisms in organisations that transform the gathered info into improvements in service delivery What are the organisational enablers needed to make this transformation happen (leadership, staff training,…) Do we have info on the key drivers of satisfaction ? How do we work on segmentation to target the improvements ? What is the nature of the improvements realised ? Do we find different clusters ? EIPA - 2010
Measure (show) improving results Phase 3: Key questions in this phase are: did the improvements show results ? How do we measure improvement ? Only by measuring satisfaction in a second round or do we also measure via “objective indicators” (e.g. reduced process time, …) ? So how do we track performance ( translation into service standards, charters,…) Searching for links with change management? Different culture ? EIPA - 2010
How ? Experts in the different fields Cases from the MS Finding common denominators Guidelines Sharing / discussing EIPA - 2010
Timing 24-25 November 2010 presentation to IPSG (invitation to the other member states to sent in cases ) 20 December 2010 First round of sending in cases (revision of cases LT I and II) Beginning of January 2011 Distribution of the cases to the LT members 28 January 2011 LT Meeting in Hungary Intro from expert(s) discussion of the cases / more info needed, wanted search for common denominators deepening of a topic (suggestion “Segmentation”) second round of cases (if needed) Mid April 2011 Sent in adopted cases 1st round and cases 2nd round => distribution to the LT members 26 May 2011 intro from expert(s) deepening of a topic preparation / discussion presentation Polish Quality Event (Sept – Oct.) Sept – Oct 2011 Presentation of the first results at the Polish Quality Event Second half 2011 CSM LT Meeting Poland - finalisation of the guidelines (common denominators,…and final case descriptions) End of 2011 Publication of final version of guidelines and end of the LT. EIPA - 2010
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