IAEA Training in Emergency Preparedness and Response Specific Aspects of Exercises for Response to Emergencies Arising from Malicious Acts - Exercise Scenarios Lecture Module L-058
L-058: Specific Aspects of Exercises for Response to Emergencies Arising from Malicious Acts – Exercise Scenarios 2 Introduction Malicious acts are not bound by the laws of probability Many possible scenarios This lecture contains some Treat with care
L-058: Specific Aspects of Exercises for Response to Emergencies Arising from Malicious Acts – Exercise Scenarios 3 Contents Categories of malicious acts Scenarios for each category
L-058: Specific Aspects of Exercises for Response to Emergencies Arising from Malicious Acts – Exercise Scenarios 4 Categories of Malicious Acts 1) Threat to commit a malicious act involving the use of radioactive materials 2) Deliberate act to irradiate persons 3) Deliberate act to contaminate food or water supplies with radioactive materials 4) Explosive radiation dispersal device (RDD) 5) Deliberate act to contaminate a site or the environment with radioactive materials 6) Sabotage attack upon a nuclear facility aimed at causing an uncontrolled release of radioactive materials
L-058: Specific Aspects of Exercises for Response to Emergencies Arising from Malicious Acts – Exercise Scenarios 5 Threat - Example Regulatory authority receive a fax saying that there will be an attack on a major nuclear facility within the next 5 days No details provided on: Nature of the attack Facility The fax says that this attack against the "establishment" will demonstrate its weakness and moral ineptitude
L-058: Specific Aspects of Exercises for Response to Emergencies Arising from Malicious Acts – Exercise Scenarios 6 Threat – Example (1) When contacted, a nuclear research facility (or other) and a nuclear power plant independently report that people posing as journalists have been roaming around over three days one week ago Army base (far from the facility) reports the theft of a large quantity of explosives
L-058: Specific Aspects of Exercises for Response to Emergencies Arising from Malicious Acts – Exercise Scenarios 7 Threat - Challenges There is NO impact yet Need to determine seriousness of the threat Need to consider pre-emptive threat reduction measures Medical: could be the trigger Media: to inform or not to inform? That is the question
L-058: Specific Aspects of Exercises for Response to Emergencies Arising from Malicious Acts – Exercise Scenarios 8 Threat - Exercise Notes Two-phase exercise Search and assessment Threat-reduction measures Good for tabletop Good for field exercise with all authorities involved
L-058: Specific Aspects of Exercises for Response to Emergencies Arising from Malicious Acts – Exercise Scenarios 9 Deliberate Irradiation - Example Police receive call from an unknown person: There are powerful radioactive sources located in a very busy shopping mall Exact location provided Other sources located throughout the city
L-058: Specific Aspects of Exercises for Response to Emergencies Arising from Malicious Acts – Exercise Scenarios 10 Deliberate Irradiation - Challenges Acute effects are likely Many, many people affected Need to identify exposed persons Media news will create panic and fear Will affect public behaviour Economic impact Medical infrastructure will be overwhelmed
L-058: Specific Aspects of Exercises for Response to Emergencies Arising from Malicious Acts – Exercise Scenarios 11 Deliberate Irradiation - Exercise Notes This scenario calls for many actions in many different areas Difficult to simulate large number of exposed persons Easy scenario to develop, complex to run Suggested as: Workshop Tabletop Field exercise
L-058: Specific Aspects of Exercises for Response to Emergencies Arising from Malicious Acts – Exercise Scenarios 12 Deliberate Contamination of Water/Food - Example Truck with low to medium level waste stolen Truck found abandoned two days later next to water treatment plant Insider job: barrels emptied in main treatment basin No radiation detectors Water has been distributed for several hours
L-058: Specific Aspects of Exercises for Response to Emergencies Arising from Malicious Acts – Exercise Scenarios 13 Deliberate Contamination of Water/Food - Challenges Contamination level likely very low No significant health hazard Public perception and fear will be the main issue Ensuring that other locations have not also been targeted Potentially large burden on medical infrastructure How to reassure the public? Replacement water?
L-058: Specific Aspects of Exercises for Response to Emergencies Arising from Malicious Acts – Exercise Scenarios 14 Deliberate Contamination of Water/Food - Exercise Notes Scenario best suited for tabletop Good exercise for slow time analysis and cooperation between technical organizations and local/regional political authorities Health hazard analysis will be a large component Use local parameters for water distribution data
L-058: Specific Aspects of Exercises for Response to Emergencies Arising from Malicious Acts – Exercise Scenarios 15 Explosive RDD - Example Massive explosion downtown at a major city Explosion appeared to originate from the sewer system Gas leak suspected
L-058: Specific Aspects of Exercises for Response to Emergencies Arising from Malicious Acts – Exercise Scenarios 16 Explosive RDD - Example In fact, it is a powerful explosive device placed in the sewer Explosion damages several cars No death, but several serious injuries First responders arrive at the scene and realize There is no fire It is not a gas leak Electronic dosimeter alarms go off
L-058: Specific Aspects of Exercises for Response to Emergencies Arising from Malicious Acts – Exercise Scenarios 17 Example of Field Readings
L-058: Specific Aspects of Exercises for Response to Emergencies Arising from Malicious Acts – Exercise Scenarios 18 Explosive RDD - Challenges Same as category IV emergencies with complications Security and protection Crime-of-scene procedures Identification of potentially exposed persons Secondary threat Large number of responders Law-enforcement in charge Possible mass casualties
L-058: Specific Aspects of Exercises for Response to Emergencies Arising from Malicious Acts – Exercise Scenarios 19 Explosive RDD - Exercise Notes Best suited for field exercises or drills First responders must have means of detecting radiation, otherwise this exercise will not work Easy to adjust degree of complexity More victims Larger explosion Nature of radioactive material Secondary threat
L-058: Specific Aspects of Exercises for Response to Emergencies Arising from Malicious Acts – Exercise Scenarios 20 Deliberate Contamination - Example Transport truck trigger gate monitor at smelter Contamination found on wheels Survey team dispatched to retrace route
L-058: Specific Aspects of Exercises for Response to Emergencies Arising from Malicious Acts – Exercise Scenarios 21 Deliberate Contamination - Example Large radium spill in busiest part of the financial district
L-058: Specific Aspects of Exercises for Response to Emergencies Arising from Malicious Acts – Exercise Scenarios 22 Example of Field Data
L-058: Specific Aspects of Exercises for Response to Emergencies Arising from Malicious Acts – Exercise Scenarios 23 Deliberate Contamination - Challenges In this case, probably no acute health impacts Tracking potentially contaminated people What do you tell the public? Possible fear and panic Economic consequences Possible overload of medical system
L-058: Specific Aspects of Exercises for Response to Emergencies Arising from Malicious Acts – Exercise Scenarios 24 Deliberate Contamination – Exercise Notes Best for field exercises and drills Also good for tabletops Easy to develop and conduct Very effective exercise
L-058: Specific Aspects of Exercises for Response to Emergencies Arising from Malicious Acts – Exercise Scenarios 25 Sabotage Against Nuclear Facility Managing the off-site consequences is same as emergency consequences Once the sabotage has occurred, response is essentially same as for emergencies Existing plans and procedures should be adequate This type of scenario allows more flexibility than traditional emergencies in terms of the number and type of equipment failures
L-058: Specific Aspects of Exercises for Response to Emergencies Arising from Malicious Acts – Exercise Scenarios 26 Sabotage Most of the differences will be on-site Security Personnel protection Explosive ordinance disposal Force protection Operational considerations Involvement of off-site organizations in on- site management
L-058: Specific Aspects of Exercises for Response to Emergencies Arising from Malicious Acts – Exercise Scenarios 27 Sabotage Most differences will be when the malicious act is in progress What to do with the reactor? Decision-making coordination between operators, regulator, off-site security organizations and local authorities No decision can be taken in isolation Should protective actions be implemented? Exercise these aspects in exercises for response to emergencies arising from malicious acts for sabotage
L-058: Specific Aspects of Exercises for Response to Emergencies Arising from Malicious Acts – Exercise Scenarios 28 Sabotage - Example Bomb threat against nuclear power station Security verify physical protection systems and find failure of the fence motion detector on water side Hole in the fence Tow pleasure crafts seen approaching the plant earlier One is still there Explosive traces in boat
L-058: Specific Aspects of Exercises for Response to Emergencies Arising from Malicious Acts – Exercise Scenarios 29 Sabotage - Example Bomb search Intruder may still be present One explosive device found on hydrogen cooling system of main generator Trigger mechanism may be change in vibration level
L-058: Specific Aspects of Exercises for Response to Emergencies Arising from Malicious Acts – Exercise Scenarios 30 Sabotage - Challenges Reactor: shut down or not? Change in turbine speed may trigger explosion Is intruder still present? If so, what to do with station staff? What to tell the off-site authorities? Recommend off-site protective actions or not? Media On-site coordination with off-site law- enforcement agencies
L-058: Specific Aspects of Exercises for Response to Emergencies Arising from Malicious Acts – Exercise Scenarios 31 Sabotage - Exercise Notes Good scenario for either tabletop or field exercise Focuses on on-site and interface with off-site If release occurs, this is same as traditional exercise Therefore, most interesting before actual failure
L-058: Specific Aspects of Exercises for Response to Emergencies Arising from Malicious Acts – Exercise Scenarios 32 Summary Six categories of malicious acts Many scenarios can be developed for each Scenarios focus on different aspects of response management Multi-agency involvement is key to any exercise for response to emergencies arising from malicious acts