Fungal Attack
Fungal Attack Cause damage by feeding on the cells of the wood As a result the wood softens + eventually decays Fungi need certain conditions to grow: Moisture – M.C above 20% Food supply – wood Oxygen – particular still warm air Warmth
Wood Rotting Fungus – Life Cycle
Fungus – Life Cycle Spores are blown around in the wind, carried by insects, animals or unsuspecting humans until they come in contact with the timber. If the conditions for the growth of dry rot are present, it will attack and spread. Spores land on the wood. They germinate and spread like roots (Mycelium) As Mycelium grow by penetrating wood to feed and gain moisture they turn into a white growth called sporophores Sporophores produce tiny spores which spread to other wood causing the fungus to spread to other wood and the cycle begins again
Fungus There is 2 main types of rot caused by fungal attack: Wet rot (white rot) Dry rot (brown rot)
Wet rot Only affects wood with a moisture content > 40% Therefore usually occurs outdoors – fence posts, windows frames, logs, doors. Can occur indoors if there is a structural defect- leak in roof Infected wood has a burned appearance, with white thread like growth
Dry Rot Mostly found inside, fungi eats cellulose in the wood Wood appears dry and gives off a musty smell Occurs in damp areas with poor ventilation Fungi can penetrate through brick walls able to spread extensively before the damage is first noticed as it favours dark damp envirnoment.
Prevent fungal attack Keep the moisture content above 20% Ensure there is adequate ventilation
Treating Fungus-Infected Wood Infected wood and surrounding wood within 500m is cut away and burnt Remaining timber and blockwork should be treated with a fungicide (kill remaining infections)and a preservative (prevent future attack) Cause of the outbreak should be identified: Find the source of dampness and prevent it reaching the wood Improve ventilation