The Best Performance of XIS is the best S/N ratio at hard X-rays: e.g. GC Suzaku: 180 ksec Chandra 600ksec (Muno et al. 2004) XMM 50 ksec (Tanaka)
Origin of GCDX&GRDX: If Diffuse, we need huge Energy Point Source ? Results of PV– AO3 (Long Project) Image
We Separated GCDX&GRDX (flux and the Kα/Lα: l = 1-2) Origin is not the same ! Key Project: Extend to the Galactic Ridge FeXXV-Kα FeXXVI-Lα/FeXXV-Kα FeXXVI-Lα
Two Scale-Heights in the GCDX (but GRDX ?) Small : SN, GC Flare Large : WD, Active star l =-1.2: 0.53+-0.07 ? 0.16+-0.04 1.15+-0.88 ? Scale heights as a function of the galactic longitude
Key Project Determine the Scale Height & Spectrum (for both the GC&GR And Large & Small Scale Height ) Key for the Origin
(1) Quantitatively separate 6.4keV-line+continuum (XRN?) & New method and subject (1) Quantitatively separate 6.4keV-line+continuum (XRN?) & 6.7keV-line+continuum (hot plasma) Origin/correlation of the 6.4keV-line to the molecular cloud/TeV Diffuse = new frontier of high energy Galaxy 6.7 keV-line 6.4 keV-line Scale height =0.5 deg This HESS UID is a GC source 6.7 keV+0.5×6.4-keV
(2) Absorption vs the 6.4 keV line 3-dimensional Cloud Positions 2.5—3.5 keV band (absorption) 6.3—6.5 keV band (6.4 keV-line) CS-line Submitted to PASJ Structure of the GMZ/GC
This project is highly Productive 1) G 0.17--0.23 (Fukuoka), submitted 2) Sgr B a Face-on View (Ryu), submitted 3) Super bubble candidate In the GC (Mori) submitted 4) 6.4 keV line and Sgr B complex (Ryu) , in prep. 5) Neutral K-shell lines (Nobukawa) in prep. 6) 6.7-6.9 keV distribution Letter (Uchiyama) in prep. 7) 1 keV GC plasma structure (Uchiyama) 8) 2.45 keV loop in Sgr C (Tsuru) 9) 0.6 keV Foreground Emission (Matsumoto) 10) Unidentified HESS (Matsumoto) 11) 6. 4keV emission from Sgr E (Tsuru) 12) Tornado Emission (Sawada) 13) G 359.-0.5 SNR (?) 14) 6.7-6.9 keV distribution Full paper (Uchiyama) 15) 6.4 keV Jet of Great Annihilator (Nobukawa) 16) Discrete Sources or SNRs (Osaka) 17) Hard X-ray (Saitama) Key project, 30papers , in total 70--80 This project is highly Productive I said when I proposed the Long project (GC)that; (1) I will write 20 Refereed Papers with in 1 year After one year , 21 Papers (2) With the long Project data I will write 20 papers (The data of the Long project have just came in, But even from QL, I can pick up 17 subjects ) Yes We have done what we said
Survey of GRDX: Search for possible connections between diffuse X-rays (Faint & Non-Thermal) and TeV/Fermi/Radio Sources All these Sources are on the Galactic Ridge, so even if we get upper limit, the data itself is GRDX = Crisis Management (Important Concept of KP)
Survey of Diffuse Hard Sources in GC/GR (1) Discovery of New Sources (surely exist) (2) Extended TeV Sources (3) Extended Fermi Sources (4) Radio SNRs (X-ray faint, Non-Thermal) Systematic Study of these Objects will surely produce the Suzaku Legacy 1. “Suzaku Catalog of the K-shell line Sources in the GC” 2. “---in the Galaxy” (Key Project) Yes You can Yes we can work out SNR candidates 4 + 3 XRN candidates 4 + 4
”the X-ray” is the Flagship Satellite/Group in Space Japan Refereed Journal of ASCA and Suzaku The former director Prof. Tsuruta said “I approved Astro-E Astro-E2 (Suzaku) because ”the X-ray” is the Flagship Satellite/Group in Space Japan Papers If the Suzaku Papers < 1/3 of the ASCA, we may not be the Flagship Satellite/Group in the Space of Japan. The GC/GR Project will largely increase this ratio. Years after launch Papers Summary PV—AO2 Observations Papers Total 35 Msec 130 GC 1.5 Msec 21 Ratio 4 % 16 % 21×35/1.5= 490 Refereed Journal of GC and Total Years after launch
Suzaku Statistics (by the end of Feb. 2009) (Except Gamma-Ray Burst, Instr, Cal) -------------------------------------------------------------- Target Exposure Papers (Msec) (refereed) Extra Diff 90 8 20 Extra Com 170 16 20 Gal Diff 90 12 60 Gal Com 140 9 20 Total 490 45 120
Suzaku Statistics (by the end of Feb 2009) (Except Gamma-Ray Burst, Instr, Cal)