Medical Jeopardy
Final Jeopardy Respiratory Altered Mental Allergies/ Poison OB/GYN Drugs & More $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
Respiratory - $100 Active Respiratory process requiring muscles to have energy & function. What is Inspiration?
What is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)? Respiratory - $200 Disease process that includes emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and black lung. Generally affecting older patients and often caused by smoking. What is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)?
What are signs of Rales (Crackles)? Respiratory - $300 Bubbly popping sounds heard on inhalation. What are signs of Rales (Crackles)?
Respiratory - $400 Airway Beta Agonist. What is Albuterol?
What is a Pocket Mask w/ oxygen? Respiratory - $500 The preferred method for a single provider to give artificial ventilation. What is a Pocket Mask w/ oxygen?
What Diabetes Mellitus? Altered Mental Status - $100 The condition brought about by decreased insulin production What Diabetes Mellitus?
What is the Glascow Coma Scale? Altered Mental Status - $200 Based on verbal, motor, & eye opening. What is the Glascow Coma Scale?
Sometimes presenting with “stroke-like” symptoms – Think Low. Altered Mental Status - $300 Sometimes presenting with “stroke-like” symptoms – Think Low. What is hypoglycemia?
What is the Cincinatti Prehospital Stroke Scale? Altered Mental Status - $400 This screening process will give you a 72% likelihood of stroke. What is the Cincinatti Prehospital Stroke Scale?
is a cause of seizures – Think pregnant. What is Eclampsia? Altered Mental Status - $500 is a cause of seizures – Think pregnant. What is Eclampsia?
Allergy + Hypoperfusion Allergies/Poisons - $100 Allergy + Hypoperfusion What is anaphylaxis?
Hormone produced by the body (in the Adrenal Glands). Allergies/Poisons - $200 Hormone produced by the body (in the Adrenal Glands). What is epinephrine?
What are hives (uticaria)? Allergies/Poisons - $300 Red, itchy, raised blotches. What are hives (uticaria)?
What is Carbon Monoxide? Allergies/Poisons - $400 Results from incomplete combustion. Colorless, odorless. What is Carbon Monoxide?
What is the muscle used for epinephrine auto injector? Allergies/Poisons - $500 Mid-Vastus lateralis (as related to EMS). What is the muscle used for epinephrine auto injector?
What is the 3rd Stage of delivery? OB/GYN - $100 Delivery of placenta What is the 3rd Stage of delivery?
respiratory effort, activity, appearance, pulse, grimace. OB/GYN - $200 respiratory effort, activity, appearance, pulse, grimace. What is the APGAR Score?
What is Meconium Staining? OB/GYN - $300 Suggests fetal distress during labor. What is Meconium Staining?
The greatest cause of fetal death. OB/GYN - $400 The greatest cause of fetal death. What is maternal death?
What is a woman in her first pregnancy? OB/GYN - $500 Primigravida. What is a woman in her first pregnancy?
Drugs & More - $100 Specific sign, symptom, or circumstance that makes it appropriate to administer a drug. What are Indications?
What is - right patient, medication, dose, and route? Drugs & More - $200 The four “Rights” What is - right patient, medication, dose, and route?
What are prescribed inhaler medications? Drugs & More - $300 Proventil, albuterol, isoetharine. What are prescribed inhaler medications?
Activated Charcoal dosage for Adults & Pediatrics. Drugs & More - $400 Activated Charcoal dosage for Adults & Pediatrics. What is 1 gm/kg Adult = 25-50 gm Pediatric = 12.5-25 gm?
Drugs & More - $500 Medication actions that increase heart rate, dilates bronchioles, and increases the contractile force of the heart. What is a Beta Agonist?
What is Insulin Dependant Diabetes Mellitus? IDDM What is Insulin Dependant Diabetes Mellitus?