Journal #6 What is a stream gradient? How does the stream gradient affect the speed of a stream?
Review: What is the stream load? What are the 3 types of stream load? Suspended load Bed load Dissolved load
Review What is a stream’s discharge? Do faster streams or slower streams have a higher discharge? Do faster or slower streams have a greater stream load?
Mouth? Headwaters?
Today, we will Measure the amount of water that sediment can hold Identify the properties that affect how sediment interacts with water.
Pre-Lab Materials Using sink to drain cups Lab behavior Clean/check lab stations
Post Lab Discussion Which type of sediment held more water? (step 11) Which type of sediment was the water able to flow through faster?
What properties of the sediment do you think affected how the water flowed through the sediment? Explain your answer. Which water would erode more quickly: an area of silt or an area of sand?
In which sediment do you think a deep stream channel is most likely to form? In which sediment do you think a meandering stream is most likely to form? Describe 2 ways to make slopes covered with soil more resistant to erosion.