Champaign County Regional Planning Commission (CCRPC) Independent Service Coordination Programs By Katie Harmon, LCSW Community Services Program Manager
Brief Overview CCRPC is one of 17 Independent Service Coordination Agencies in the state of Illinois Serve individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families/guardians in Champaign, Ford, and Iroquois Counties Primary purpose is to ensure services and supports are responsive to the unique needs and desires of each individual and to effectively promote independence, community inclusion, and self- determination
Funding Main sources of funding: Department of Human Services, Developmental Disabilities Division Champaign County Developmental Disabilities Board Community Services Block Grant – Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Community Services Block Grant (supplemental funding to support DHS and CCDDB funded services)
Programs Prioritization of Urgency of Need for Services (PUNS) Pre-Admission Screening (PAS) Individual Service and Support Advocacy (ISSA) Decision Support Person Centered Planning Transition Consultant Services
Prioritization for Urgency of Need for Services (PUNS)
Prioritization of Urgency of Need for Services (PUNS) PUNS is a statewide database that records information about individuals who have developmental disabilities who are in need of services DHS uses the data to select individuals for services as funding becomes available, to develop proposals and materials for budgeting, and to plan for future needs Selections from DHS now based on length of time on the waiting list beginning when the person turns 18 years old.
PUNS Categories Seeking Services: Person needs services within one year. Planning for Services: Person does not need services for at least a year.
Crisis If a person is at risk of abuse, neglect, or homelessness - can work with ISC to complete a crisis application for funding Would not need to be selected from PUNS for services DHS’s highest funding priority DHS has final decision Unfortunately, we realize that many families would identify their situation as a crisis, however, it HAS to be related to abuse, neglect or homelessness for us to move forward with a crisis application.
Services Through PUNS Medicaid Waiver Services through the Department of Human Services: Home Based Services Purchase services form authorized community agencies, pay for personal support workers Adaptive equipment, assistive technology Behavior intervention and treatment Community-Integrated Living Arrangement (CILA) Community Day Services (Developmental Training) Supported Employment Home Based Services – families may contract with an agency to provide a day program or personal support services, hire neighbors or relatives to provide personal support, or parents of adults may designate themselves as the personal support worker. Community Day Services - focuses on the development and enhancement of daily adaptive living skills and economic self-sufficiency. This training takes place away from the individual's residential living arrangement and is designed to foster the acquisition of skills, appropriate behavior, greater independence and personal choice.
Pre-Admission Screening (PAS)
Pre-Admission Screening (PAS) PAS completed by ISC when: Completing a crisis packet for Medicaid Waiver funding Individual is selected from PUNS Assessment of individual with a developmental disability prior to a long term stay in a nursing facility Assessment of an individual who wants to live in an intermediate care facility (ICF/DD) (does not need to be selected from PUNS) Many are 16+ bed facilities Not a Medicaid Waiver funded service Generally serve individuals with higher support and medical needs
Pre-Admission Screening (PAS) Assessment of the following areas: Determination of developmental disability Psychological evaluation (within past 5 years) Medical history (within past year) Physical examination (within past year) Medication review Service needs Guardianship screen Presentation and selection of services Educate families on service options available, link families to services
Individual Service and Support Advocacy (ISSA)
Individual Service and Support Advocacy (ISSA) Individuals receiving Medicaid waiver services Main functions: Monitor the general health, safety, and well-being of individuals in the Waiver Represent the IDHS/DDD's interests in determining whether waiver services are being provided in the best interest and to the satisfaction of individuals receiving the services Alert the Division when additional monitoring, intervention or technical assistance is necessary and provide support to individuals, guardians, and providers in working through a variety of service issues
Conflict Free Case Management Major changes went into effect July 1, 2017 ISC agencies are now responsible for the person centered planning process with individuals served through the waiver Plans were previously developed by provider agencies and called Individual Service Plans (ISP)
Conflict Free Case Management Federal Medicaid guidelines specifies that States are required to separate case management functions (including the person centered plan development) from service delivery functions Case management includes: determination of eligibility, provider identification, service plan development, and monitoring of Plan "Conflict free" means that case management must be performed by someone other than a relative of the person served, someone other than a direct provider of service, someone who does not have a financial interest in a provider, or someone who is not employed by a provider
Person Centered Planning (PCP) DHS PCP Handbook - Three main components Discovery process Personal plan Implementation strategies Completed annually Revised as needed throughout the year based on major medical or behavioral changes Edited as needed throughout the year to reflect change in services or supports
Personal Plan The Personal Plan is the single, comprehensive personal vision for a person's life Focuses on the individual's strengths, preferences, needs and desires Responsibility of ISC in conjunction with the individual, guardian, family, and providers Includes risk factors and plans to minimize them Involves individual and whomever individual identifies they would like to take place in process, guardian, provider The ISC agency then works with the individual it identify a provider who can provide the services and meet the individuals’ needs and desired outcomes ISC can assist individual and family in identifying a new provider if individual is unhappy with services and wishes to seek services elsewhere
Critical Incident Follow Up Follow up on critical incidents: Known injury Law enforcement Medical emergency Missing individual Peer-to-peer acts Unauthorized restraint Unknown injury Unscheduled hospitalization
Decision Support Person Centered Planning Services
Decision Support Person Centered Planning Services Target populations: Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities registering in the Illinois Department of Human Services’ (DHS) Prioritization for Urgency of Need for Services (PUNS) database for the first time and/or for their annual update who would like to complete preference assessments. Preference information is gathered in order to identify what services individuals are looking for as well as receive additional support until they are selected from the PUNS list. Adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities registered in PUNS who do not have Medicaid waiver funding and are receiving services through CCDDB funded programs. Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities who are transitioning from an Illinois State Board of Education setting and in need of adult services.
Decision Support Person Centered Planning Services Services provided: Outreach to community on PUNS, Medicaid Waiver services, and Transition Consultant services Attend IEP meetings to assist with transition planning Streamline of services from school to adult DD services Following same framework of DHS with conflict free case management and person centered planning Linkage to community services Assist individuals in critical category of PUNS with gathering required PAS paperwork/case management support Discovery and Person-Centered Planning for individuals on PUNS receiving services through CCDDB funded programs
Transition Consultant Services
Transition Consultant Services Provides support to individuals with intellectual/ developmental disabilities and their families who are near graduation from secondary education Assist with education and support regarding the transition to adult based developmental disability services in Illinois. Assist individuals and families with developing a transition plan and referral/linkage to appropriate community support services Support individuals and families in learning about PUNS and registering for services
Transition Consultant Current Projects Meeting with providers of developmental disability services Developing a list of key contacts within the schools Attending IEP meetings Compiling relevant resources and information for families
Statistics and Outcomes DHS Funded Programs Served 889 Clients PUNS - 395 PAS - 57 ISSA - 437 Provided over 9,000 hours of service 100% of required PUNS updates completed within the 365 day time period. Ranked first in the state out of 17 ISC agencies.
Statistics and Outcomes CCDDB Funded Programs 369 total clients served Attended 73 Community Outreach Events Provided information to 476 people form Outreach Events
Statistics and Outcomes CCDDB Funded Programs Proposed Outcome: 80% of the parents/guardians completing a survey after using Transition Consultant services will endorse having had the opportunity to be active participants in transition planning and being informed of a variety of resources/services. Results: 100% of parents/guardians who completed a Client Satisfaction Survey reported they had the opportunity to be an active participant in transition planning.
Statistics and Outcomes CCDDB Funded Programs Proposed Outcome: 80% of persons given the opportunity to report their service preferences will complete a preference assessment. Results: 80% of persons given the opportunity to report their services preferences completed a preference assessment. If individuals already reported their service preferences via the preference assessment the previous year and there interests have not changed, some individuals and guardians did not want to complete this again.
What’s on the Horizon DHS Notice of Funding Opportunity for FY20 CCDDB New competitive application process for ISC agencies across the state. Reduction in the total number of ISC agencies (17 to 12 or less). Different geographic regions designated by DHS. If CCRPC awarded funded for proposed region, it would mean an expansion from 3 counties to 13. CCDDB Possibility of expanding person centered planning process for other CCDDB funded programs. Mirroring process of DHS for smooth transition once selected from PUNS.
Questions? Please feel free to contact me directly! Katie Harmon, LCSW Community Services Program Manager 1307 N. Mattis, Champaign, IL 61821 217-531-8265