Closing Out on the Task 2 Report July 22, 2009 O&G GHG Technical WorkGroup
Focus in Closing Out Task 2 Report Analytical work is complete Provided ranking of sources for various production types by basin across WCI region, using screening level inventories calculated from various data sources and available methods Substantive changes from April 22nd version to July 13th version are noted
Task 2 report draft presented July 13th Summary table of revisions/additions completed since May 4-5 meeting Changes include (listed in summary table): Additional results Corrections, fixing inaccuracies, technical corrections Focus of report amended to clearly identify that: GHG emissions calculation methods used were only for screening level inventories by basin/production type Methods reported in Table 30 are not necessarily comprehensive or best for mandatory or voluntary reporting protocols, but are a starting point for further work for those efforts
Discussion of any additional comments on July 13th Task 2 Report Draft Please provide electronic copy to Tom during or immediately after July 22-23 meeting Task 2 Report will move to “final draft” status after these technical correction and editorial comments are addressed by mid-August