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2 Country overview Political status: Republic Area of land: 2.7 mln. sq. km Capital city: Astana Population: 16,5 million Key Economy Information, 2009 GDP/GDP per capita: USD 134 bln/USD 8,547 Industry Production: 85 bln. USD Trade turnover: 109 bln. USD Export: 71.2 bln. USD Import: 37.9 bln. USD Main religions: Islam, Russian Orthodox Main languages Kazakh (state language) Russian (official/business language) Key ethnic groups Kazakh: 65% Russian: 25% Ukrainian: 2.9% Uzbek: 2.8% German: 1.5% Korean:0.7% Currency: Tenge (KZT, USD 1 = ~ KZT 150) Political status: Republic Area of land: 2.7 mln. sq. km Capital city: Astana Population: 16,5 million Key Economy Information, 2009 GDP/GDP per capita: USD 134 bln/USD 8,547 Industry Production: 85 bln. USD Trade turnover: 109 bln. USD Export: 71.2 bln. USD Import: 37.9 bln. USD Main religions: Islam, Russian Orthodox Main languages Kazakh (state language) Russian (official/business language) Key ethnic groups Kazakh: 65% Russian: 25% Ukrainian: 2.9% Uzbek: 2.8% German: 1.5% Korean:0.7% Currency: Tenge (KZT, USD 1 = ~ KZT 150) Source: KazStat
Preferable Geographic Location: Gateway between Europe and Asia Gate to China, India and South-East Asia Gate to Russian and European market Kazakhstan China Russia Europe Middle East India Strategic location between European and Asian business centers Main transit area in region Surrounded by attractive markets – China and Russia 3 out of 4 Eurasian rail corridors go through Kazakhstan Strategic location between European and Asian business centers Main transit area in region Surrounded by attractive markets – China and Russia 3 out of 4 Eurasian rail corridors go through Kazakhstan Location features
Stable Macroeconomic Environment Source: KazStat 4
CountryStrength of investor protection index (0-10) New Zealand9.7 Kazakhstan5.7 Russia5.3 Tajikistan5.3 Ukraine4.7 Moldova4.7 Inward FDI Performance Source: Doing Business 2010 Gross inflow of FDI to Kazakhstan from 1993 – 102,9 bln. USD Main investors by gross inflow of FDI in 1993 – 2009 Investor Protection
EconomyGlobal competitiveness Index ranking USA2 Finland6 Austria15 Korea19 UAE23 China29 Czech Republic3131 Russia63 Kazakhstan6767 Ukraine82 Georgia90 Kyrgyzstan123 EconomyEase of doing business Singapore1 Finland14 Georgia15 Korea23 Austria27 UAE46 Mongolia58 Kazakhstan 63 Czech Republic 75 China83 Russia120 Ukraine145 Worlds Leading Reformer Doing business 2010Global competitive Index
State Forced Industrial and Innovative Development Program: Priority sectors State Forced Industrial and Innovative Development Program Agriculture complex and agricultural production Construction industry and production of construction materials Oil refining industry and oil and gas infrastructure Chemical, pharmaceutical industries Metallurgy development and production of final metallic products Transportation and telecommunication infrastructure Energy Space industry Tourism Machinery and equipment building Objectives: Concentration countrys resources on development of economys priority sectors; Creation of favorable macro and investment climate; Enhance of national economy production; Support of export oriented industries and innovative manufacturing. Purpose: To diversify and enhance the competiveness of Kazakhstan economy and increase GDP by the year of 2015 by 7 trillion tenge or approximately 50% of 2008 GDP. Uranium industry Light industry
Access to New Markets: Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus Customs Union from January 1, 2010 Russia Kazakhstan Belarus SIMILAR TRADE RULES 1. Single customs territory; 2. Single foreign trade policy; 3. Single customs legislation, single custom code; 4. Free goods mobility inside single customs union Advantages for potential investors: INCENTIVES FOR THE INVESTORS Exemption from import customs duties on import of non-produced technological equipment and raw materials in Kazakhstan in the implementation of investment projects. Kazakhstan has more liberal taxation for opening and doing business comparing with Russia and Belarus.
Almaty ASTANA Taraz Khorgos Saryozek Korday Communicator Base station of trunking communication LEGEND Operator International Transport Logistic Centre Communication centre ALMATY Korday Shymkent Kyzylorda Baykonyr Aralsk Karabutak Khromtau Martuk Developing Infrastructure: Western Europe – Western China International Transit Corridor China Kyrgyzstan Uzbekistan Turkmenistan Russia
Entrepreneurship Development Fund Investment Fund of Kazakhstan State Insurance Corporation National welfare fund Samruk-Kazyna (national companies and development institutions in railway, energy, oil and gas, telecommunications sectors) Kazyna Capital Management Strong Partners to Cooperate: Development Institutes Development Bank of Kazakhstan National Innovation Fund 10 National holding "KazAgro"
A Company established in the Special Economic Zone is exempted from paying: - Corporate tax - Land tax, - Property tax, and VAT Strong Partners to Cooperate: Special Economic Zones
Creation of favorable climate Export promotion Investor protection INVESTOR Promotion of investment opportunities National Agency for Export and Investments «KAZNEX INVEST» – your partner in Kazakhstan Support of foreign investors and providing services one-stop shop Our contacts: Tel.: +7 (7172) Fax: +7 (7172) Ministry of Industry and New Technologies KAZNEX INVEST