Feedback on the use of EST in Finland
In Finland the EST codes (user name & password) given at the end of the 2 year partnership For many users EST seems to be relatated as one part of the final report, not so much as a tool of dissemination or gathering information
Information & Promotion Information events for the potential applicants Every training organized for the beneficiaries Flyer, website, accompanying letter to beneficiaries
General impressions / beneficiary The user interface is simple to use, no major technical problems More questions about the content: How many products should be shown? Is one joint product enough? What is a result? Why is the same information repeated many times (common language & national language)?
General impressions / global users Very good that all the partnerships/ projects are found in one place Good possibility to find lots of information on European cooperation Wide range of different possibilities to get ideas for the new partnerships /projects
Ideas for improvement Clearer instructions of the final work/result? How to spread the star project information to all partners? Search-function? Some links are not visual enough, the user has to move the cursor a lot to find the links