Return NorthBay health form Thursday, May 02, 2019 Objective: YWBAT describe the three soil horizons and how they form. Drill: Describe climates in which leaching is common. Homework Study Weathering WOW Return NorthBay health form
Answer Leaching is common in climates that have large amounts of rainfall. As rainwater travels down through the horizons, it dissolves nutrients, and other substances from the above soil.
Did you know…? By the early 1900’s, a century of cotton cultivation had depleted the soil of nutrients. A scientist named George Washington Carver convinced farmers to plant peanuts and soybeans instead of cotton. Carver knew these plants would restore nitrogen to the soil. The soil recovered and Carvers work helped to revitalize the agricultural economy of the south.
Geoblox ‘Soil Profiles’ Conclusion Today’s Activities Drill Read p. 255 - 258 Geoblox ‘Soil Profiles’ Conclusion
Which layer of soil is the most important for growing crops? Why? Closure Which layer of soil is the most important for growing crops? Why?
Closure Answer Topsoil is the most important layer of soil for growing crops because it contains the organic material and nutrients that plants need to grow.