Database – Mobile Phones Name LEARN: How to collect, store and use data in a (Microsoft Access) database.
My questionnaire What is your name? Which network are you with? How old are you? Does your phone have a touch screen? Which school do you attend? Does your phone have a memory card slot? Where do you live (BD?)? What is your contact number? What colour is your mobile phone? What make is your current mobile phone? What is the storage capacity of your phone? What model is your current phone? What is the camera quality of your mobile phone (MP)? What is the serial number of your phone? How long is the battery life? How would you describe the condition of your mobile phone? How much did your mobile phone cost? What is one other feature not mentioned? Is your phone on a contract? Is your phone PAYG?
Collecting data I used a data collection form to collect data. This form was a table with boxes for me to write in. I collected data from the boys and teachers in my class. I will make a database to store this data.
Microsoft Access I will create a DATABASE by using MICROSOFT ACCESS. I will think of FIELD names, for example NAME. I need to choose DATA TYPES, for example TEXT, NUMBER, etc. I will enter the DATA I collected into the DATABASE TABLE. I will set a PRIMARY KEY which will be ID NUMBER. Everyone will have a different ID number like a student number.
Creating a database Right click in folder, go to new, click on Microsoft Access Database. Enter a file name (Mobile Phones). Open the file and click on enable content. Click on the Create menu at the top and choose Table. Click on the View icon under and give the table a name (Mobile Phones). Then click on OK. Enter the field names. Choose the file types. Save the table. Click on the View icon and go to the data view. Enter data into the database.
Database design view
Save the table Enter the data using the data collection form you filled in for homework.
Creating a new database Microsoft Access Creating a new database
Setting up a database 1 I loaded Microsoft Access. I typed in a file name, ‘Mobile Phones’. I clicked on the folder and chose where to save my file – in my Year 8 IT folder. I then clicked on the create button. MOBILE PHONES
Setting up a database 2 When I clicked on the create button the table is displayed. I need to click on the View Button to go to ‘DESIGN VIEW.
Setting up a database 3 I clicked on the View button and chose DESIGN view. This box came up – I typed in a name for my table – MOBILE PHONES. Then I clicked on OK MOBILE PHONES
Database design view
Database data view