Our Values Quality-Driven Responsible Compassionate We promise: Our values guide every action we take. They determine how we work and the promise we make to patients, their carers, the public and colleagues. WE ARE: Quality-Driven To provide excellent quality safe, evidence-based patient care that exceeds national standards. To push the boundaries of care delivery and efficiency by adopting best practice and building on our clinical and technical knowledge. To individually be the best we can in our actions and interactions. To work as one team with both our colleagues and partners to deliver the best care both in and out of hospital. Responsible To be honest, open and transparent in all our commitments, actions and results. To be personally accountable for the things we do, our services and the Trust’s reputation. To be alert to the potential for errors and always strive to correct things that go wrong. To acknowledge and celebrate success. To be resourceful and open to new, innovative, evidence-based ideas. Compassionate To treat you with empathy, professionalism and a positive, friendly attitude. To act with integrity and respect at all times. To listen to you, understand your perspective, value differences and be approachable, sensitive and considerate. To organise our services around the individual needs of our patients and their carers, creating the best patient experience possible. We promise: We promise: We promise: