Which is heavier… A basketball? Or a bowling ball?
Or a styrofoam block of the same size? Which is heavier… A metal block? Or a styrofoam block of the same size?
Size Doesn’t Matter! Objects that are the same size could have very different masses! All materials are made of small particles called molecules…
They may be closely packed, like in a heavy metal block… DENSITY The molecules in different objects are arranged differently. They may be closely packed, like in a heavy metal block…
Or they could be spaced out, like in a styrofoam block. DENSITY The molecules in different objects are arranged differently. Or they could be spaced out, like in a styrofoam block.
DENSITY LOW density HIGH density DENSITY describes how closely packed the particles of an object are. HIGH density LOW density
Density Columns Spread out for low density If you drew in the molecules for your density column, what would it look like? Spread out for low density Closely packed for high density