OVERALL EQUIPMENT EFFECTIVENESS (O E E) Click mouse or any key to continue TPM OVERALL EQUIPMENT EFFECTIVENESS (O E E) A practical approach to problem solving & increasing Monday, April 22, 2019 Maintenance Circle Maintenance Circle
HOW IS YOUR MACHINE’S MEASURED ? TPM HOW IS YOUR MACHINE’S MEASURED ? PROCESSED OUTPUT / PLANNED OUTPUT ? ACHIEVED HOURS / PLANNED HOURS ? ACTUAL DELIVERY / PLANNED DELIVERY ? QUANTITY ACCEPTED / (QUANTITY ACCEPTED + QUANTITY REJECTED ) ? Any other method... Over last 3 months, was your machine more than 85% ? Over last 3 months, was your machine downtime less than 3% ? Are your customers happy with your product & delivery ? If your answer is YES or NO to above questions, it’s time to measure O E E Monday, April 22, 2019 Maintenance Circle Maintenance Circle
TPM What is O E E ? Overall Equipment Effectiveness is a measure of equipment’s NETT efficiency taking into account, following six major losses, advocated in TPM BREAKDOWN LOSSES SET UP & ADJUSTMENT LOSSES IDLING & MINOR STOPPAGES SPEED LOSSES REDUCED YIELD QUALITY REWORK / REJECTS Monday, April 22, 2019 Maintenance Circle Maintenance Circle
TPM BREAKDOWN LOSSES Sporadic stoppage of machine Un-noticed failure of certain components Accelerated deterioration of equipment Repetition of certain problems, during production Major downtimes affecting production Function loss & Function reduction Monday, April 22, 2019 Maintenance Circle Maintenance Circle
TPM SET UP & ADJUSTMENT LOSSES Repeated adjustments of process parameters during production Non-standard approach to tool / process setting Frequent order changes on a machine Repetition of certain problems, during production Major downtimes affecting production Monday, April 22, 2019 Maintenance Circle Maintenance Circle
TPM IDLING & MINOR STOPPAGES Repeated jams / sensor failures / robot malfunctions Shortage of supporting materials: packing material, palettes, trolleys to name a few No fault indication, when machine stops leading to confusion Machine running without actual output (idling) Shift change-over Monday, April 22, 2019 Maintenance Circle Maintenance Circle
TPM SPEED LOSSES Machine running slower than designed or desired speed Process slowing down due to downstream limitations Machine’s inability to withstand the designed or desired speed Past experience Fear of producing rejections Monday, April 22, 2019 Maintenance Circle Maintenance Circle
TPM REDUCED YIELD Too many stops & starts resulting in reduced stabilization period Process limiting ramp-up & ramp-down time, reducing output Up stream or down stream process limiting the ramp-up & ramp down periods. Monday, April 22, 2019 Maintenance Circle Maintenance Circle
TPM QUALITY REWORK & REJECTS During every start-up (and sometimes, during stopping also), machine produces rejection End product rejected due to various reasons Rejection at customer’s site due to various reasons Measuring system not consistent with process resulting in increased sampling quantities Too many reworks before finishing the product Monday, April 22, 2019 Maintenance Circle Maintenance Circle
TPM How to calculate O E E ? Open the attached excel-sheet object to calculate & understand O E E for two applications. Of course, once you understand the concept, it can be calculated to almost all applications Certain parameters need to be measured and recorded for correctly calculating OEE. The measures could be obtained from production records, measuring instruments, machine control system. Correct parameters must be decided upon to calculate realistic OEE. Monday, April 22, 2019 Maintenance Circle Maintenance Circle
TPM How to achieve higher O E E ? Start recording all the relevant data from production: Planned hours Actual run hours Machine breakdown Stoppages due to material, pallet change, shift change etc. Quantity rejected in process, in inspection, at dispatch and possibly from customer’s end Divide the data into various segments of Production, Maintenance & Quality Start measuring O E E for 4 to 6 weeks continuously and study the weak links Create small teams to work on individual weak links that contribute to O E E Fine tune the data / targets from time-to-time Monday, April 22, 2019 Maintenance Circle Maintenance Circle
TPM Hidden benefits of O E E Increase in productivity without huge monetary investment; of course time and people will be involved All hidden losses will be made visible ensuring better clarity Increase in profit margin of the company: Remember, O E E is one of the best methods of achieving profits without hurting the bottom line Reduced customer complaints Reduced breakdowns in machine Last but not least, it saves power to the organization, since machines are run efficiently Monday, April 22, 2019 Maintenance Circle Maintenance Circle
Thank You TPM Monday, April 22, 2019 Maintenance Circle