Addressing State and MPO Concerns with Performance Requirements 2018 AASHTO Spring Meeting May 22, 2018
Concerns The results of federal pavement performance measure (percent pavement in good/fair/poor condition) may result in conflicting messages between measures states have historically used to report on pavement condition and the federal measures. The methodology used in the metrics for calculating the measure (IRI, etc.) are different from the way State DOTs manage their pavements and there is concern that having to set targets based upon the federal measures and metrics may not enable the state DOTs to best management their pavement systems. Waiting until after the end of the first full reporting period (January 2022) is too long to wait to begin to evaluate the current measures being used in case changes and modifications need to be made.
South Carolina
Asks Begin discussions now with the state DOTs on needed modifications and changes to the pavement performance measure and metrics. Do not wait until the end of the first reporting period (January 1, 2022) to institute needed modifications and changes to the pavement performance measures. Work with the state DOTs starting now on how to best message and harmonize the federal and state pavement performance measures.
Actions Study Implementation Issues Develop Messaging for Differences Between State and Federal Measures Identify Priority Research Areas
Study Implementation Issues CPBM to develop list of specific issues that will be studied e.g., thresholds to define good, fair, and poor pavement conditions. CPBM will develop a work plan to conduct each study to determine if any modifications to the regulations are recommended Work plan will include activities, resource needs, and a timeline. FHWA, NCHRP, and the TPM Pooled Fund will provide resources, if available and appropriate, to support the delivery of each work plan. The CPBM will determine if any separate work groups need to be formed to manage and carry out the plan activities and will report quarterly on progress. They will include AMPO and MPOs in this effort. Any recommendations for modifications to regulations will be presented to FHWA for consideration. If accepted, the changes will be published in a notice for public comment in the Federal Register. Although much of this work could go on for several years, efforts will be conducted to try and develop initial recommendations by 2020.
Develop Messaging for Differences Between State and Federal Measures The TPM Pooled Fund will hold a peer exchange before October, 2018 to discuss approaches to effectively message differences between performance outcomes as they are viewed through a State’s measures and the new required federal measures. States and MPOs will be invited to this peer exchange. The peer exchange will be developed in coordination with the AASHTO CPBM and the Transportation Communications Committee. The CPBM may reform a communications subcommittee to support State performance communication efforts.
Identify Priority Research Areas Efforts will be conducted to ensure that research needs build on and improve the existing regulations are identified and prioritized. Many of these needs were discussed in the rulemaking preamble text (i.e. including element level data in the determination of bridge condition measures). A session will be held during the July joint meeting of the CPBM and the TRB Committee on Performance Management (ABC30) to develop a list of research needs that come from the rulemaking and resulting regulations. During the meeting the group will organize and prioritize these needs. Efforts will be conducted by the Research Subcommittee within CPBM to integrate these needs into the existing TPM Research Roadmap. This will involve the development of problem statements and prioritizing the needs within the complete list of needs in the roadmap. The roadmap will be used to identify opportunities to seek research funds by the CPBM and by FHWA moving forward.
Next Steps CPBM leadership to organize sessions at 2018 Summer Meeting to develop implementation issues Work through the current Subcommittee on Policy and Rulemaking and Subcommittee on Research Work with TPM Pooled Fund to Organize Messaging Peer Exchange Update CPBM Strategic Plan and Action Plan with new information