A few tricks to take you beyond the basics of Microsoft Office GCPS Tech Tips A few tricks to take you beyond the basics of Microsoft Office Microsoft Excel: Freeze worksheet headings for scrolling.
EXCEL: Freeze headings for scrolling. When you have data on a worksheet that runs longer than your screen, you may find yourself wasting a lot of time scrolling back to the top to see which column is which.
EXCEL: Freeze headings for scrolling. You can save time by freezing the row of column headings at the top of your screen...
or freezing the column of row headings EXCEL: Freeze headings for scrolling. or freezing the column of row headings at the left of your screen.
If you want to freeze headings at the top, EXCEL: Freeze headings for scrolling. If you want to freeze headings at the top, start by selecting the cells below the row you want to lock.
Then go to the top of your screen and click on “Window”. EXCEL: Freeze headings for scrolling. Then go to the top of your screen and click on “Window”.
On the menu that drops down, click “Freeze Panes”. EXCEL: Freeze headings for scrolling. On the menu that drops down, click “Freeze Panes”.
Excel adds a solid, dark line to set off the frozen headings. EXCEL: Freeze headings for scrolling. Excel adds a solid, dark line to set off the frozen headings.
EXCEL: Freeze headings for scrolling. After that... when you scroll down, the row at the top will always show the names of each column.
To unfreeze the headings, click on “Window” again... EXCEL: Freeze headings for scrolling. To unfreeze the headings, click on “Window” again...
and then on “Unfreeze Panes”. EXCEL: Freeze headings for scrolling. and then on “Unfreeze Panes”.
If you want to freeze a column, EXCEL: Freeze headings for scrolling. If you want to freeze a column, start by selecting the column to the right of the one you want to freeze.
EXCEL: Freeze headings for scrolling. Then, click on “Window”.
EXCEL: Freeze headings for scrolling. Click “Freeze Panes”.
And Excel sets off the frozen column with a solid, dark line. EXCEL: Freeze headings for scrolling. And Excel sets off the frozen column with a solid, dark line.
EXCEL: Freeze headings for scrolling. The frozen rows or columns will show on your screen but not on your printouts.
if you want row headings to appear on every page of your printout, EXCEL: Freeze headings for scrolling. However... if you want row headings to appear on every page of your printout, start by selecting the cells you want on each page.
at the top of your screen... EXCEL: Freeze headings for scrolling. Then, click on “File” at the top of your screen...
then click “Page Setup” on the drop-down menu... EXCEL: Freeze headings for scrolling. then click “Page Setup” on the drop-down menu...
which will open the “Page Setup” dialog box EXCEL: Freeze headings for scrolling. which will open the “Page Setup” dialog box with its four tabs at the top.
Click on the tab labeled “Sheet”. EXCEL: Freeze headings for scrolling. Click on the tab labeled “Sheet”.
You will see that Excel has already entered EXCEL: Freeze headings for scrolling. You will see that Excel has already entered the cell range you want to repeat...
Click “OK” at the bottom of the dialog box... EXCEL: Freeze headings for scrolling. Click “OK” at the bottom of the dialog box...
and your column headings will repeat EXCEL: Freeze headings for scrolling. and your column headings will repeat at the top of each page you print.
EXCEL: Freeze headings for scrolling. That’s all there is to it. Now, if you would like a copy of the step-by-step directions for freezing the headings on Excel worksheets, just print this last page. Have fun freezing! Step-by-Step: To freeze a row: - Select the row below the one you want to freeze. - Click “Window” - Click “Freeze Panes” To freeze a column: - Select the column to the right of the one you want to freeze. To unfreeze: - Click “Unfreeze Panes” To see headings on all printed pages: - Select the cells you want on every page. - Click “File” - Click “Page Setup” - Click “Sheet” - Click “OK”