Formulaic expressions to show gratitude Unit 6 Farewell speech
Formulaic expressions to show gratitude We use ‘Thank you for + -ing verb’ to show gratitude.
Thank you for opening the door for me. Example 1 Thank you for opening the door for me.
Thank you for carrying the bags. Example 2 Thank you for carrying the bags.
Thank you for coming to the park (with me). Question 1 come to the park Thank you for coming to the park (with me).
Thank you for playing badminton with me. Question 2 play badminton Thank you for playing badminton with me.
Thank you for remembering my birthday. Question 3 remember / birthday Thank you for remembering my birthday.
Thank you for being nice (to me). Question 4 be nice Thank you for being nice (to me).
Thank you for having lunch with me. Question 5 have lunch / with Thank you for having lunch with me.