Implementation EU White Paper Climate Change Adaptation Specific actions DG Environment Feedback from Expert Group Climate change and water Jacques Delsalle European Commission – DG Environment 8th Meeting of Working Group F on Floods Thursday 28 October 2010, Brussels
EU Climate Change Adaptation Policy April 2009: White Paper on Adapting to Climate Change February 2010: Creation of DG Climate Action Responsible for overall co-ordination of Adaptation policy DG Environment focuses on: Assessment of the environmental pathway of vulnerability to Climate Change (and other anthropogenic pressures) Assessment of ecosystem-based approaches Environmental impact of adaptation measures Mainstreaming adaptation into Environmental Policies (Water, Marine, Biodiversity and Ecosystem, Resources, Eco-Innovation, etc.)
Update on horizontal activities adaptation 1st meeting Adaptation Steering Group (22 September 2010) Consultative forum: Member States, other instiutions, stakeholders, adademia, etc. Launch contract implementation Clearinghouse (end august 2010) Key user & system requirements to be agreed early November Deadline x implementation phase 1: February 2012 Contribution of Working Group-Knowledge Base, EIONET Adaptation, new EEA European Topic Centre on Adaptation Forthcoming communication on mainstreaming adaptation & mitigation in EU policies (2011) Still no details available
Water and Adaptation Modelling ClimWatAdapt project (2010-2011)
Feedback from ClimWatAdapt 1st stakeholder workshop (4-5 October 2010) Double purpose: Strategic assessment impacts & adaptation at EU level A tool that could be used to elaborate & discuss mainstreaming adaptation into forthcoming RBMP ClimWatAdapt integrated assessment platform can be seen of the first building block of this tool Need to balance water quantity focus with more evidence on impacts on water quality & ecosystems Include existing measures that can fit for adaptation Other CIS groups to be involved in forthcoming stakeholder meeting (spring 2011) WG Floods EG Water Scarcity & Droughts More information available on
Natural Water Retention Measures Call for evidence launched on 15/9/2010 Deadline 30 November 2010 Study on costs and benefits of natural water retention measures Litterature review, meta-analysis, typology of measures Scenario definition, modelling impacts with Lisflood/EUDynaClue Analysis potential EU policy/funding instruments to promote non-regret measures Link with other studies on ecosystem-based approach and green infrastructure Link to key DG ENV Initiatives: Post-2010 Biodiversity Policy and Strategy on Green Infrastructure. Resource Efficiency (2011) 2012 Blueprint to safeguard EU Waters
EG Climate Change & Water Meeting on 5/10/2010, following the ClimWatAdapt workshop Proposals for workshops: 2011 Water, adaptation to climate change and agriculture Monitoring and assessment of the impacts of climate change on water quality and water related ecosystems with reference to the preparation of art 5 analysis in future WFD planning cycles Potential consequences of climate change on the management of water ways in the context of WFD implementation (in particular hydro-morphology). Maybe broader scope including hydropower. 2012 Tools for climate proofing of WFD measures, Needs and practices of river basin authorities regarding integration of climate change into 2nd and 3rd WFD planning cycles including coordination with flood risk management planning
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