Ch. 22 The early Industrial Revolution, 1760-1851
Objectives After studying this chapter students should: 1.Understand the causes of the Industrial Revolution. 2.Describe the technological innovations . 3.Describe the social, economic & environmental impact of the Industrial Revolution. 4.Understand the relationship between the industrialized & nonindustrialzed worlds.
1.What was the Industrial Revolution & what were its main features? 2.What were the causes of the Industrial Revolution? 3.What country was the first to experience the Industrial Revolution?
Industrial Revolution the transformation of the economy, environment and living conditions that resulted from the use of steam engines, the mechanization of manufacturing in factories and innovations in transportation and communications. it happened first in 18th century England.
Why the Industrial Revolution happened first in Europe (England)?
Europe-England Europ. rulers-alliance with merchant classes. Europe-at the center of the most varied exchange. England Enclosure movement-ind. workers with few options Market prod. British commerce-worldwide
Causes of the I.R. 1.China & the Islamic world stagnated by the early modern era. population growth( more food, resistance to diseases, high no. of birthrates). 2.the agricultural revolution( new crops, changes in farming methods, landowners fenced off their lands-Seclusion Act). & inventiveness.
Britain Resources: coal, iron ore Polit. Factors 1)Tariffs to protect businessmen 2)Unified internal market 3 )more power for the royal enterprises
The technological revolution What was the mass production and mechanization?
The technological revolution Developments in railroad system, mining, manufacturing & services. 1.Mass-production: the manufacture of identical products by the division of labor into small, repetitive tasks.( J.Wedgwood, pottery) 2.Mechanization-the cotton industry.
Spinning wheel/The spinning jenny, 1764
The water frame (power loom), 1769
Cotton factory
What were the consequences of mechanization? What was the most important innovation of the Industrial Revolution? Why?
The technological revolution 3.The iron industry-interchangeable parts 4.the steam engine- 1769, J.Watt 5.railroads: the locomotive-G.Stephenson( 19th century)
6. electric telegraph, Morse ( 1837)
What was the impact of the Industrial Revolution on aristocracy, middle class people, rural life & working conditions?
Impact on social classes Aristocracy-little material loss Middle class: most gains M-class women: wives, mothers,homemakers. Beneficiary: the middle class Standards of living didn’t improve until 1850 Increased disparities in income Impact on the economic & political ideas.
The impact of the Industrial Revolution 1.Industrial cities-growth, unhygienic conditions. epidemics, overcrowded 2.Rural environment-deforestation, transportation changed the rural life.
The impact of the Industrial Revolution 3.Working conditions Most jobs: unskilled, repetitive, low paid. Separation work/home Women & kids had to work Preference for children 'labor” Long hours, low wages, child labor.
The impact of the I.R. Increased demand of sugar, coffee, cotton-prolong slavery in U.S.
What was the impact of I.R. on society? Who were the real beneficiaries of the Industrial Revolution?
New economic & political ideas 1.A.Smith “laissez faire”(government should not interfere in business) 2.Bentham-the state should take action to manage the economy.
New economic & political ideas 3.utopian socialists: C.Fourier -ideal society without capitalists. 4.positivism-social & economic problems could be solved by applying scientific methods; this will lead to continuous progress. 5.Malthus& Ricardo-poverty is the consequence of overpopulation; should be addressed by delayed marriage& sexual restraint.
Industrial & nonindustrial worlds World divided: industrial & nonindustrial Nonindustrial countries: sources of raw materials & markets for industrial countries. ( this will lead to imperialism).