The scene opens with Banquo pondering Macbeth’s seeming good fortune Banquo must leave for an appointment somewhere away from the castle Macbeth questions him heavily on this Macbeth is becoming deeply suspicious of Banquo Macbeth hires two murderers A3S1
Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth to quit worrying about things…”what’s done is done” He attempts to explain to her how distraught he is over what they have done. She once again says “it’s all in your head.” Macbeth tells her something is going to happen to take care of things, she asks him what but he won’t tell her. A3S2
The murderers kill Banquo but Fleance escapes A3S3
Macbeth has a banquet for all of the Thanes, Macduff is not there though. The murderers report to Macbeth that Banquo has been killed but not Fleance Macbeth goes to the banquet, but there he sees Banquo’s ghost sitting in his chair (Macbeth is the only one that can see the ghost) Macbeth starts yelling at the ghost, this kind of freaks everyone out Lady Macbeth is able to make up an excuse for him Macbeth says he is going to find the witches again because he has some ideas that he wants to test out A3S4
A3S5 The witches meet with Hecate (she is the leader of the witches) She tells them that they are to have Macbeth take a potion that will cause him to hallucinate and see things that will trick him onto thinking he can’t be harmed (“security is mortals’ chiefest enemy”) A3S5
Lennox and a lord are discussing how bad things are in Scotland under Macbeth’s rule The lord tells Lennox that Macduff has gone to England to get Malcolm to raise an army against Macbeth A3S6