It’s a Little Thing Called Life: What’s Your Story? Six Word Memoirs
Six Word Memoirs Purpose: improve summarization skills Background: Hemingway – tell a story in 10 words or less
Hemingway’s Story Fact or Fiction?
It’s Go Time TASK: Write a Six Word Memoir about your summer on your NEO
Getting Your Memoir on Your NEO Power On …upper left-hand corner Type your six-word memoir about your summer in File 1(which is the default file).
Beaming Your Memoir Up the Row You can beam text or content from one NEO to another. To beam, find the Infrared Eye on the FRONT Edge of your NEO. To beam between 2 NEO’s these must be directly lined up.
Here’s How Beaming Works There are two key players. The Receiver The Sender There are two key commands. CTRL + b to receive CTRL + SEND to send
What the Receiver Must Do The person receiving text will HOLD DOWN the CTRL Key (to the left of space bar) and HIT the letter B to receive. Once the message “Ready to receive a file” appears on Screen, read it aloud to your partner so that he or she knows it’s time to send.
What the Sender Must Do Wait for the receiver to give the “Ready to receive file” message. The person sending text will HOLD DOWN the CRL Key (to the left of space bar) and HIT the SEND Key (in upper-right hand corner). Wait for message that shows “Beaming File.” Let your partner now when this appears.
Now the Receiver Makes the Next Move The Receiver will get a message that says “File _ is not empty. Choose one:” Use the DOWN arrow to choose the option that says “Append to the File?” The Receiver will get a message that the file was successfully received. Yea!
Keep the Message Beaming Repeat the receive and send process until you reach the front of your row. The front row person should have the memoirs of everyone in the row.
Publishing Your Memoirs The folks in the front will beam their row’s memoirs to Mrs. H. From there, we will work some magic!