AGENDA Introduction by Lorenzo Davids – CEO of The Community Chest Introduction of The Community Chest Board members Carol Fleurs-Goddard (Chairman); Mike Bosazza (Deputy Chairman); Edgar Adams; Di Berril; Mike Blomkamp; Abbas Gani; Herbert Hirsch; Gregory James; Meko Magida; Alan Woolfson Powerpoint presentation Ideas and suggestions on how to create an effective business model for Carnival Q&A Marketing Business Model Layout Volunteer Event
WHAT IS CARNIVAL CURRENTLY Established in 1951 as a theatrical garden party A fundraising platform Iconic and unique to the Western Cape Run on the time, skills and experience of volunteers
INTERESTING FACTS 5000 Volunteers 7000 volunteer badges printed also utilised as workers badges for commercial stalls Between a high 100 000 and a low of 54 000 attendees (based on feet through the gate, excluding volunteers/workers on the grounds before trading time) No. of hours worked by volunteers 5000 x 28hrs = 140 000 hours
Cont. INTERESTING FACTS 6000 Single Complimentary tickets (Wednesday & Thursday only) 4000 Family Complimentary tickets (2 adults & 2 U 18) 3500 Give As You Earn Family Complimentary tickets ( Saturdays between 14h00- 16h00 only) Total FREE entries 36 000
WHAT WORKS? Easy entry for General Public; Cleanliness and tidiness of the area; Safety & security; Entertainment for the whole family; Well supported fundraising event for Charity
DECLINES IN INCOME Increase in costs & expenses A significant decline in sponsorship and reduced cost of service contributions Declining numbers of volunteers and aging of existing volunteers Declining Spending Power of Patrons Differing perspectives on event quality
MARKETING & MESSAGING Family Friendly & Safe International food & local entertainment Fundraising event for charity Volunteer driven event Brand awareness platform for Community Chest
MARKETING & MESSAGING Publicity & Marketing Platforms - Radio interviews & articles in print media dailies/weekly and weekend papers - Cape Community Newspapers editorial & Advert Street Posters & Banners - 7 days before Carnival distributed in the City, Northern and Southern Suburbs - Schools displayed in the City, Northern and Southern Suburbs Online PR - Event Listings and press release online