2016-17 Accessibility Supports Training Hello, my name is Mary Anderson and this is the accessibility supports training module for the 2016-17 school year which is required for all district and school test coordinators, as well as test administrators. Required for DTCs, STCs, & TAs
Topics Familiarity with the… Selection of Accessibility Supports Administration of Accessibility Supports Evaluation of Accessibility Supports This training is designed to be an overview of Oregon’s statewide assessment accessibility supports, specifically the selection, administration, and evaluation of these supports. Oregon Accessibility Manual (OAM)
Selection of Accessibility Supports to increase equitable access to grade-level content assessments and supporting students in demonstrating what they know and can do. Selection of the appropriate accessibility support increases the equitable access to grade-level content assessments and supporting students in demonstrating what they know and can do. OAM, Appendix C
Resource The Oregon Accessibility Manual (OAM) contains all final accessibility policies and supports for Oregon’s Statewide Assessments. The Oregon Accessibility Manual (OAM) was developed to guide the selection and administration of universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations for the current statewide assessments. Including: The Smarter Balanced Assessment in Mathematics and English Language Arts/Literacy (ELA) The Oregon Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (OAKS) in Science and Social Sciences The Extended Assessments (XA) in Mathematics, ELA, and Science The Kindergarten Assessment (KA) The English Language Proficiency Assessment for the Twenty-first Century (ELPA21) Only the those supports included in the OAM may be provided to students during the administration of Oregon’s statewide assessments. http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=487
Selection of Supports Requirement All accessibility supports a student receives on the statewide assessments are to mirror the supports currently being provided to that student in their classroom instruction and assessments. When selecting an accessibility support for testing, keep in mind that they must mirror the supports currently being provided to that student in their classroom instruction and assessments. It is never appropriate to introduce a support to a student for the first time during statewide testing.
Selection of Supports Know the Options Know the following categories of accessibility supports, the differences between them, as well as the specific supports that are available for each statewide assessment: Universal Tool Designated Supports Accommodations It is critical to know the differences between each category of statewide assessment accessibility supports. Specifically, there are three categories of support: Universal, Designated, and Accommodations. OAM, Section 1.0: Introduction
OAM, Section 1.0: Introduction Each of the three tiers of support have different rules for implementation. Universal tools are automatically available to all students. Designated supports are available to any student based upon identified need. Accommodations are available to students who have that support documented in their IEP or 504 plan. Within each of these tiers, any specific support may be embedded or incorporated in the testing interface, such as text-to-speech, or they may be non-embedded or outside of the testing interface, such as a scratch paper. For more details of each tier of support, consult Table 1.1 in the OAM. OAM, Section 1.0: Introduction
Modification Selection of Supports Contrary to statewide accessibility supports, any practice or procedure that compromises the intent of the assessment through a change in the learning expectations, construct, or content that is to be measured, grade-level standard, or measured outcome of the assessment and is not listed in Oregon’s Accessibility Manual (OAM) is considered a modification. Assessments taken under any modified condition are counted as non-participants in all federal and state accountability measures and reports. Universal, designated, and accommodation supports are not considered a modification. A modification is any practice or procedure that compromises the intent of the assessment through a change in the learning expectations, construct, or content that is to be measured, grade-level standard, or measured outcome of the assessment. Any support that is not listed in OAM is considered a modification. Assessments taken under any modified condition are counted as non-participants in all federal and state accountability measures and reports.
Selection of Supports Practice Tests The practice test can assist IEP/504 teams to determine which universal tools, designated supports and accommodations are needed for each individual student to be successful on the new assessments. ODE highly recommends using the practice tests to familiarize TAs and students to the tests and accessibility supports in order to assist the selection of supports for a student. In order to enable any available embedded support in a practice test, a proctored practice test session will need to be set up. For directions of how to set up a proctored practice test, consult Section 5: Administering Online Tests in the OAKS Online 2016-17 Test Administrator User Guide. Please note that it is never appropriate to initiate an operational assessment for practice. TA User Guide, Section 5: Administering Online Tests
Options for Documenting accessibility supports Selection of Supports Options for Documenting accessibility supports Cumulative File Individualized Education Plan 504 Plan Local Documentation Processes There are multiple options for documenting accessibility supports depending upon the student and their specific needs. School teams making educational decisions for students in either general or special education or who are English Language Learners are strongly encouraged to document any discussions regarding accessibility supports in the student’s cumulative file. Types of information that teams can use to make informed decisions about testing supports include classroom performance data, review of previous performance on state assessments, review of supports available in the classroom and their effectiveness, and even interviews with the student. Under Section 300.320 of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA, § 300.320(a)(6)(i)), each student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP) must include a statement of any individual accommodations that are necessary to measure the academic achievement on state -wide assessments. In particular, documentation should include Universal Tools that must be “turned off” to avoid distraction during testing, as well as Designated Supports and Accommodations. Please consult your local IEP processes to ensure adequate documentation of statewide assessment supports. Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, public schools are required to provide necessary accommodations to students even if they do not qualify for special education services under IDEA. Please consult your local 504 Plan processes to ensure adequate documentation of statewide assessment supports. Locally developed documentation processes or procedures may be in place in your district or school to ensure students who do not have an IEP or 504 Plan and are using Designated Supports are provided those supports during testing. Always consult any local documentation procedures in preparation for testing. [TCs may insert local policies/protocols for documentation at this point in the training.] OAM, Appendix C
“Teacher Tools” Included in the OAM Selection of Supports “Teacher Tools” Included in the OAM Tool #1: Access Needs That May Require Accessibility Supports Questions to aid in identifying various types of accessibility supports for students (p. 80) Tool #2: Questions to Guide Accessibility Supports Selection Questions to guide discussion about selecting supports for instruction and assessment during a team meeting (p. 82) Tool #3: Accessibility Supports from the Student’s Perspective questionnaire to collect information about needed accessibility supports from the student’s perspective (p. 83) Appendix C of the OAM contains multiple Teacher Tools that support a five-step process to select supports described in more detail in the OAM. A brief description of each tool is provided in this training, but for more information consult the manual. Tool 1 provides questions to aid in identifying various types of accessibility supports for students. Tool 2 provides questions to guide discussion about selecting supports for instruction and assessment during a team meeting. Tool 3 is a questionnaire designed to collect information about needed accessibility supports from the student’s perspective. OAM, Appendix C
“Teacher Tools” Included in the OAM (cont.) Selection of Supports “Teacher Tools” Included in the OAM (cont.) Tool #4: Assessment Accessibility Supports Plan A planning aid for ensuring supports are implemented during testing (p. 86). Tool #5: Assessment Accessibility Supports Agreement An example form that a student could carry on test day into the testing environment (p. 87) Tool 4 is a planning aid for ensuring supports are implemented during testing. Tool 5 is an example form that a student could carry on test day into the testing environment. Again each of these tools are optional but a great resource for schools and districts to facilitate a thorough accessibility support selection process. OAM, Appendix C
Administration of Accessibility Supports to ensure reliable and valid administration of the assessment. Test administrators can more effectively implement the statewide assessment accessibility supports if they have a clear understanding of the purpose of each support. Consistent implementation of supports across schools and districts ensure reliable and valid administration of statewide assessments. OAM, Appendix C
Administration of Supports Requirements All practices and procedures used for students during instruction must be selected on the basis of the individual student’s needs. For accessibility supports to be used during administration of an Oregon Statewide Assessment, the support must also be: previously approved by the Accessibility Panel and listed in the appropriate OAM accessibility supports tables, be implemented during instruction, and familiar to the student prior to use during assessment. All support practices and procedures used for students during instruction must be selected on the basis of the individual student’s needs. For accessibility supports to be used during administration of an Oregon Statewide Assessment, the support must be also previously approved by the Accessibility Panel and listed in the appropriate, test specific accessibility supports tables, be implemented during instruction, and be familiar to the student prior to testing.
Teacher Tools Included in the OAM Administration of Supports Teacher Tools Included in the OAM Tool #6: Logistics Planning Checklist Can be used in the planning and implementation of assessment accessibility supports for an individual student or for a system and includes the following topics: Accessibility Supports Throughout the Academic Year Preparation for Test Day Accessibility Supports on the Day of the Test Consideration After the Day of the Test In addition to selection tools, Appendix C of the OAM also contains Tool 6 which is designed to support the planning and implementation of assessment accessibility supports for an individual student or for a school or district system. Topics included in this planning tool are implementing accessibility supports throughout the academic year, preparing for testing, supports on the day of the test, and considerations for after testing. OAM, Appendix C
Evaluation of Accessibility Supports to ensure the meaningful participation of all students who use supports during statewide assessments. Evaluating the use of accessibility supports ensures meaningful participation of all students who use supports during statewide assessments. OAM, Appendix C
Evaluation of Supports Reasons to Evaluate Collecting and analyzing data on the use and effectiveness of these supports is necessary to ensure the meaningful participation of students with disabilities in state and district-wide assessments. Data on the use and impact of supports during assessments may reveal patterns of use, as well as support the continued use of some supports or the rethinking of others. Examination of the data may also indicate areas in which the IEP team, Section 504 plan committee, and TAs need additional training and support. There are multiple reasons to evaluate supports that benefit individual students to the school or district system. Collecting and analyzing data on the use and effectiveness of supports ensures the meaningful participation of students with disabilities in state and district-wide assessments. Data on the use and impact of supports during assessments may reveal patterns of use, as well as support the continued use of some supports or the rethinking of others. An evaluation may also indicate areas in which the IEP team, Section 504 plan committee, or TAs need additional training and support.
Evaluation of Supports Reasons to Evaluate In addition to collecting information about the use of accessibility supports within the classroom, districts may also decide to gather information on the implementation of supports during assessment. Observations conducted during test administration, interviews with TAs, and talking with students after testing sessions may yield data that can be used to guide the formative evaluation process at the student level and at the school or district levels. In order to identify systemic patterns districts may decide to gather information on the implementation of supports during assessment from all schools. Finally, observations conducted during test administration, such as interviews with TAs or students after testing sessions, may yield information that can be used to guide future evaluation processes.
Teacher Tools for Evaluation in the OAM Administration of Supports Teacher Tools for Evaluation in the OAM Tool #7: Questions to Guide Evaluation of Accessibility Supports Use Questions to guide discussion about selecting accessibility supports for future assessments The final Teacher Tool in Appendix C of the OAM is number 7, which is designed to guide evaluation of supports. This tool provides questions to guide discussion about selecting accessibility supports for future assessments. OAM, Appendix C
Q&A Discussion What are the local considerations and challenges around the selection, administration, and/or evaluation of accessibility supports within your school or district? What are some effective approaches you could use to support effective selection, administration, and/or evaluation of accessibility supports use in your school or district? What resources do you plan to use to assist you in developing and/or implementing effective approaches to the selection, administration, and/or evaluation of accessibility supports? This is an optional point in the required training to pause and discuss the questions provided or locally developed set of relevant questions. If you would like to pause, please pause now. Suggested activities: -Small groups: use post-its to capture local considerations and challenges, one per sheet. Mount post-its. -Large group: facilitate review/summary of considerations/challenges from across the large group -Small groups: share effective approaches, look at artifacts -Large group: facilitate share out, writing down approaches via chart pack -Small group or individual: use note organizer to capture take-homes, next steps
Online Resources Oregon Test Administration Manual and Webpage: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?=486 Oregon’s Statewide Assessment Accessibility Webpage & Manual: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?=487 Smarter Practice/Training Test https://oakspt.tds.airast.org/student Promising Practices: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?=2444 TA User Guide: http://oaksportal.org/resources/ Finally, the links to the resources listed on previous slides are provided here. This concludes the 2016-17 Accessibility Support training module.