SCIE_2_A_Les14Environments are Different_MAT 2nd Grade Science Lesson 14 Day 2 Environments Are Different SCIE_2_A_Les14Environments are Different_MAT 2014 CFISD
SCIE_2_A_Les14Environments are Different_MAT Lesson 14 EXPLAIN 1* Day 2 What is a habitat? Are there different types of habitats on earth? Name some. SCIE_2_A_Les14Environments are Different_MAT 2014 CFISD
SCIE_2_A_Les14Environments are Different_MAT Lesson 14 EXPLAIN 2* Day 2 How are water habitats different? What are some examples of water habitats? Name some. Name some animals found in water habitats. SCIE_2_A_Les14Environments are Different_MAT 2014 CFISD
SCIE_2_A_Les14Environments are Different_MAT Lesson 14 EXPLAIN 3* Day 2 How are these plants and animals surviving in these land habitats? SCIE_2_A_Les14Environments are Different_MAT 2014 CFISD
SCIE_2_A_Les14Environments are Different_MAT Lesson 14 EXPLAIN 4* Day 2 How does the moose use the forest habitat to survive? SCIE_2_A_Les14Environments are Different_MAT 2014 CFISD
SCIE_2_A_Les14Environments are Different_MAT Lesson 14 EXPLAIN 5* Day 2 What are ways that animals use the forest habitat to meet their needs? SCIE_2_A_Les14Environments are Different_MAT 2014 CFISD
WATER LAND Make 2 habitat sheets of paper. Lesson 14 EXPLAIN 6* Day 2 Make 2 habitat sheets of paper. Write water on the blue sheet and land on the green sheet. Observe each picture card. Sort the plants and animals by where they live. WATER LAND SCIE_2_A_Les14Environments are Different_MAT 2014 CFISD
SCIE_2_A_Les14Environments are Different_MAT 2014 CFISD Lesson 14 EXPLAIN 7* Day 2 LAND ANIMALS SCIE_2_A_Les14Environments are Different_MAT 2014 CFISD
SCIE_2_A_Les14Environments are Different_MAT 2014 CFISD Lesson 14 EXPLAIN 8* Day 2 LAND PLANTS SCIE_2_A_Les14Environments are Different_MAT 2014 CFISD
SCIE_2_A_Les14Environments are Different_MAT 2014 CFISD Lesson 14 EXPLAIN 9* Day 2 WATER ANIMALS SCIE_2_A_Les14Environments are Different_MAT 2014 CFISD
SCIE_2_A_Les14Environments are Different_MAT 2014 CFISD Lesson 14 EXPLAIN 10* Day 2 WATER PLANTS SCIE_2_A_Les14Environments are Different_MAT 2014 CFISD
Where did you put these two cards? LAND OR WATER Lesson 14 EXPLAIN 11* Day 2 Where did you put these two cards? LAND OR WATER Where did you place these cards? Could they survive in only water habitats? SCIE_2_A_Les14Environments are Different_MAT 2014 CFISD
Draw an animal in a water or land habitat. Lesson 14 Elaborate 1* Day 2 Draw an animal in a water or land habitat. Tape the drawing to your partner’s back. Your partner should tape their drawing on your back. DON’T PEEK! How were you able to guess your animal? Which Yes/No questions and answers helped you? What needs of your animal are met in a water/land habitat? Ask each other yes or no questions from the script until you guess what animal is in the drawing. SCIE_2_A_Les14Environments are Different_MAT 2014 CFISD
SCIE_2_A_Les14Environments are Different_MAT 2014 CFISD Lesson 14 ELABORATE 2* Day 2 Ask each other yes or no questions from the script until you can guess the animal and where it lives. Does your animal… climb trees? have wings? have webbed feet? have fins? breathe with lungs? breathe with gills? have smooth skin? have wet skin? have hair? have fur? have feathers? have scales? ANSWER YES OR NO SCIE_2_A_Les14Environments are Different_MAT 2014 CFISD
SCIE_2_A_Les14Environments are Different_MAT Lesson 14 EVALUATE Day 2 Complete this reflection in your Science Notebook about your partner’s animal. The animal was a _____________________. It lives ___________________. I knew because it ____________________________ and _______________________________________. SCIE_2_A_Les14Environments are Different_MAT 2014 CFISD