GCSD Leadership Academy Mission The Greece Leadership Academy seeks to provide a robust leadership development program customized to meet the needs of the district. This rigorous, experiential school leadership refinement program is designed to engage Greece leaders to be the change agents and transformative school leaders who measurably impact student achievement. One Vision ● One Team ● One Greece
One Vision ● One Team ● One Greece Purpose Day 10 To effectively contribute to and work on a team To understand that school transformation is the work of the team To construct a strategic roadmap, and build the infrastructure and team needed to implement the School Improvement Plan To build the relationship between school community members One Vision ● One Team ● One Greece
Day 10 Agenda Update! 8:00–8:10 Welcome & Mission 8:10–8:20 Questions & Answers 8:20–9:05 Personal Goals 9:05–10:45 School Community Daily Activity (time includes morning break) 10:45-11:15 Balcony vs. Dance Floor 11:15-12:15 LUNCH (no further changes)
Commitments Leadership Academy One Vision One Team One Greece
One Vision ● One Team ● One Greece Make a Commitment… Individually, develop a task(s) that you plan to accomplish by October 31st. Complete I-IV Skip IIa One Vision ● One Team ● One Greece
One Vision ● One Team ● One Greece Make a Commitment… Find an Accountability Partner: Complete II.a. together. After signing your commitment, complete an abbreviated version to be turned in. This will be revisited in October. One Vision ● One Team ● One Greece
School Community Activity One Vision One Team One Greece
Responsibility Matrix One Vision One Team One Greece
Responsibility Matrix Team/Organization: ____________________________________________________________________ Goal/Assignment/Project:________________________________________________________________ R = RESPONSIBILITY C = CONCURRENCE S = SUPPORT I = INFORM NAME: TASK One Vision ● One Team ● One Greece
Responsibility Matrix This tool provides a visual representation of how responsibility is distributed among a group of people – how will that help you in terms of delegation and accountability when you work with your teams at school? How might it help you in terms of empowerment and building capacity? One Vision ● One Team ● One Greece
Balcony vs. Dance Floor One Vision One Team One Greece
Paseo One Vision One Team One Greece
One Vision ● One Team ● One Greece PASEO Create a product that communicates how you have personally connected to the content of the last one or two weeks and one commitment that you are willing to make in regard to your work. It will be shared in a manner selected by you, however, it may not be a narrative. One Vision ● One Team ● One Greece
Suggestions for Format Tweet Facebook page or entry Poem – Haiku, Limerick, Rhyme Poster Dance Act it out You have 15 minutes to create your message. Then we will take our Paseo.
Thank You! Design Team One Vision One Team One Greece
Barbara Deane-Williams Sue Meier Shaun Nelms Marguerite Dimgba Gina Biondolillo Chris Marino Sharon Bonifazio Janice Medina Barbara Deane-Williams Sue Meier Shaun Nelms Marguerite Dimgba Doug Pacelli Brian Ebertz Sheila Robinson-Kohn Jeff Henley Chris Sloane Sara Levine Toyia Wilson Joe Lombardo One Vision ● One Team ● One Greece
Closing Remarks Dr. Shaun Nelms Deputy Superintendent One Vision ● One Team ● One Greece