Impact of initial medication non-adherence on use of healthcare services and sick leave: a longitudinal study in a large primary care cohort in Spain by Ignacio Aznar-Lou, Ana Fernández, Montserrat Gil-Girbau, Ramón Sabés-Figuera, Marta Fajó-Pascual, María Teresa Peñarrubia-María, Antoni Serrano-Blanco, Patricia Moreno-Peral, Albert Sánchez-Niubó, Marian March-Pujol, and Maria Rubio-Valera BJGP Volume 67(662):e614-e622 August 31, 2017 ©2017 by British Journal of General Practice
Mean costs per patient (in €, 2012–2014) based on multilevel adjusted analysis for every medication group for initially adherent, partially adherent, and initially non-adherent patients in Catalonia (Spain) in 2012. Mean costs per patient (in €, 2012–2014) based on multilevel adjusted analysis for every medication group for initially adherent, partially adherent, and initially non-adherent patients in Catalonia (Spain) in 2012. Ignacio Aznar-Lou et al. Br J Gen Pract 2017;67:e614-e622 ©2017 by British Journal of General Practice