National Honor Society 2018-2019
OUR DAY General Information Remind 101: @Terranhs Website: Every Third Wednesday of the month OUR DAY
NHS Contract Maintain a 3.75 unweighted GPA Attend one meeting per month One unexcused absence is permitted To excuse an absence, email at least 1 day before the meeting. A minimum of 3 service projects per year must be performed to remain a member in active standing. First Year Members are responsible for completing monthly progress on individual service projects, as well as submitting monthly logs. Second Year Members are responsible for making contact with their respective freshmen, as well as submitting monthly leadership logs. Club fees ($15) will be paid online. Date: TBA (We’ll send a remind)
Monthly Service Project Logs* *Logs are due the Monday before each meeting.
Monthly Mentorship Logs *Logs are due the Monday before each meeting. QLSdmQOxHxBDGkIrcJ36l8NBSJze4B EOqRvdYDs0sPoCVYrt5XQ/viewform
Probation and Dismissal Any member who does not maintain the requisite 3.75 unweighted GPA will be placed on probation for one semester. If the issue persists, the membership of the individual will be terminated. No exceptions. Any member disciplined by the school in any official capacity will have their membership terminated. Any member who accrues more than one unexcused absence will have their membership terminated. Any member who does not fulfill the minimum service commitment of 3 society service projects or fails to complete their monthly service or mentorship log will have their membership terminated.
Today’s Service Project After the meeting ends Make your way to one of our two assembly stations First year members Take 3 lollipops, 3 coffee filters, 3 ribbons, and 3 tags On the tags, write “TERRA NHS thinks you are fa-BOO-lous!” and attach using the ribbon Second year members Pick up your Wolf-to-Wolf mentorship card Take 1 lollipop, 1 coffee filter, 1 ribbon, and a half-sheet of paper Write a note to give to your freshman along with the lollipop After finishing, come to the sign-out areas and we will check them and sign you out.