Climate Change By Craigton Corda
What is Climate change? Climate change is a change in global or regional climate patterns, and attributed largely to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, (CO2 in the atmosphere) produced by the burning of fossil fuels.
Why should we care about it? We should care about it because it is our Earth. We were born on it, given life on it, given food by it, and even provided us with minerals and metals that help us to make our life easier. Without the earth we wouldn’t have cars to drive us places, to the computers we are using to see this, to the internet to find any information you want with just one click and many more. Without it is will be harder to survive in the long run
What would happen if we do nothing? Our polar ice caps will melt Less habitats for animals to live in Hotter winters and scorching summers Less of food to eat/ more demand Sea levels rising Lots of droughts Demand for fresh water And much more
How can we help stop this? You can help stop this by: Removing idle appliances around the house Better ways of commuting by taking your bike or even better, walking Turn of the lights when your not in the room Plant more trees garden more Create a petition to stop burning fossil fuels
Conclusion In conclusion you can help stop this in anyway possible and is your choice to help stop it for everyone in the future or slowly kill away all your descendants because of the action you decided to make in your life.
Work cited: Karl-Johan Persson. Unstructured Interview. Print. 07 july 2010 “How fast fashion adds to the world's clothing waste problem” Marketplace. no series. CBC. not mentioned. Toronto.19 Jan 2018 “CEO Message.” Sustainability Reporting, no pub date.Web. 06 june 2018 “The H&M Group Sustainability Report 2016.” H&M Group | Reports, 4 april 2017.Web. 06 june 2018