Would you know what to do in a life-threatening emergency? Every year around 124,000 people in the UK suffer a heart attack Many of these people go into cardiac arrest and die before reaching hospital, without resuscitation, cardiac arrest is always fatal But, performing CPR could double that person’s chance of survival CPR is part of ELS training it only takes two hours to learn how to keep someone alive until professional help arrives. We will look at: Assessing an unconscious patient Performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) Dealing with choking Serious bleeding Helping someone that may be having a heart attack To learn the simple skills that save lives, call 01772 717147 to book onto one of our sessions. We ask for a donations of £5 per person which helps with the upkeep of the equipment and enable us to run future courses. 2019 Thursday 31st January 10-12am Wednesday 27th February 1-3pm Friday 29th March 10-12am Thursday 30th May 1-3pm Wednesday 26th June 10-12am Thursday 31st October 10-12am Friday 29th November 10-12am Heartbeat North West Cardiac Care, Sir Tom Finney Way, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 6PA. Registered charity number 1168850 a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, company number 10195311.