Bioblitz 2014 This years BioBlitz took place at Golden Gate National Park in San Francisco, California. I had so much fun learning about all the different species in just one area. I am also the ambassador for our school, which gave me the opportunity to talk to real scientists! We did so many activities, ranging from dissecting owl pellets, to getting soaked using a fish seine.
The Redwoods the Redwoods in Muir Forest were spectacular. the Redwoods in Muir Forest were spectacular. My group and I hiked almost half the distance of the extravagant forest. My group and I hiked almost half the distance of the extravagant forest. the trees were hundreds of feet high, and looking up made me dizzy. the trees were hundreds of feet high, and looking up made me dizzy. some trees were open to the public- you could literally go inside the trees. some trees were open to the public- you could literally go inside the trees. I learned that the trees were very old, and some are still growing! I learned that the trees were very old, and some are still growing!
The Seine Net one of my favorite activities, was using a seine net. one of my favorite activities, was using a seine net. we had to go into the water, catch, then identify fish. we had to go into the water, catch, then identify fish. I had never used a fish seine before, so it was really fascinating to be able to use one I had never used a fish seine before, so it was really fascinating to be able to use one
Light The Torch: Kids Meet Top Scientists
Other Activities before the event officially started, we got to do some fun activities. before the event officially started, we got to do some fun activities. one, was identifying a diverse seeds, and talking about how they move from place to place. one, was identifying a diverse seeds, and talking about how they move from place to place. my personal favorite- dissecting owl pellets. We found interesting objects, such as shrew, rodent, and tiny bird skulls, inside the pellet. my personal favorite- dissecting owl pellets. We found interesting objects, such as shrew, rodent, and tiny bird skulls, inside the pellet. the pellets we used came from a barn owl. the pellets we used came from a barn owl. we were able to take the bones home, and I even tried putting together the skeleton of a mouse. we were able to take the bones home, and I even tried putting together the skeleton of a mouse.
Why should you go? Children become aware of their surroundingsChildren become aware of their surroundings Hands-on experience in natureHands-on experience in nature Learn how to preserve our worldLearn how to preserve our world Gives kids a new perspective on the environmentGives kids a new perspective on the environment Makes kids feel like real scientists because we were working with them.Makes kids feel like real scientists because we were working with them.
Next Bioblitz: Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii !!!