General Council Meeting Crooms AoIT Business Advisory Council
Glad you could make it! March 31, 2017 Welcome! Glad you could make it! March 31, 2017
Treasurer’s Report / Budget March 31, 2017 $44,574.23 Our new Treasurer is Ivelisse V. Babá-Portalatín. This year Treasurer’s goal is to review every document, processes and to be updated in our Google files, including and not limited to old and new files. BAC Members may review the financials. Upcoming expenses to submit: Scholarships, TechFest XI, Internship, Job Shadowing trips Endowment Current Balance: $53, 302.41 as of 9/27/16
Committee Reports Curriculum Job Shadowing / Internship Scholarship Marketing / Membership Fundraising Committee Reports What’s your status?
Curriculum Goals: Implement JA Career-Related Programs Develop teacher externship opportunities with workforce partners Increase student participation in IT Girls Club and expand computing activities Implement NAF Track Certification
Curriculum IT Girls Club Exposing female students to careers in STEM disciplines and IT Guest speakers are welcome Meetings during the 2nd Wednesday and 4th Monday of each month
Curriculum Implement NAF Track Certification What is NAF Track? NAFTrack Partners have committed to give special consideration to college students and job applicants who, as high school graduates, earned the NAFTrack Certification. Requirements Completion of four courses through either NAF curriculum, third-party curriculum, approved Advanced Placement/IB/Cisco courses, and Dual Enrollment/Early College courses Completion of a compensated, 120-hour internship Graduation from high school 99% of our students have been uploaded into NAFTrack 74% have active NAFTrack accounts Six seniors on track to earn the NAFTrack Certificate this year
JA Career Success in Progress
JA Career Success in Progress
Job Shadowing SCPS - Nov. 4 -Done Thank you Sean Boltz, Tom Condo, Dr. Harper Florida Adventist University - Nov. 11 - Done Thank you Eric Cadiente IITSEC - Dec. 1 - (Miss out this year) CFE - Dec. 9 - Done Thank you Bob Kindermann EA Tiburon - Jan. 13 - Done Thank you Fazeel Gareebo Greater Sanford Chamber of Commerce - Jan. 26 rescheduled the student into other trips. HMH - Feb. 7 Thank you Ivelisse Baba-Portalatin Siemens - Feb. 24 Thank you John Marra Job Shadowing Goals: Need field trip commitments for 2017-2018 Need additional BAC chaperone to attend trips
Internship Goals: Recruit Summer Internship Opportunities - 25 students signed up - Employer Sign Up Prepare for Internship Fair Workshop (Employers) - April 20th @ 8 a.m. Internship Expo - April 27th 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. at Crooms Cafe
Scholarship Committee Reviews are underway Scholarship Application for 2018 updated, sent to Crooms Technical Department to upload on the Crooms website. This year committee's goal is to review every document, processes and application to be updated in our Google files, including and not limited to old and new files. Important dates: 3/31/2017 Due date to submit final results 4/4/2017 Committee meeting to discuss final numbers with Guidance Counselors TBD Present awardee names to Guidance Counselors and Cathy Alper 4/28/2017 Awards Ceremony
Grand Total of Scholarships Awarded since 2005 $106,000 Grand Total of Scholarships Awarded since 2005 140 Recipients
Marketing / Membership Tools for Success Help! How do I Jump into a Meeting?! Experience Crooms - April 7, 2017 Next Meeting: April 7 @ 9am After the Experience Crooms
Fundraising Committed - $27,850 - THANK YOU!!! Only 2 speaker cancellations; thank you John Marra and Angeline Gores for filling in as needed TechFest XII - March 15, 2017 Event Planning - already in progress Keynote Speaker - Simon Bailey will cover both sessions Recruiting sponsors - (link coming soon) Workshop Sessions - (link coming soon) Next Meeting Date: TBD @ 8am (Conference Call)
$217K New TechFest Slogan The Future of IT, The Students of Tomorrow Grand Total raised for all TechFest events As of TF XI Orlando Business Journal - Veronica Brezina New TechFest Slogan The Future of IT, The Students of Tomorrow
School / Business Liaison Building the BAC’s strength - Sign up! BAC Business Cards? Any Leads? Pass IT Forward PLEASE - Let’s see if it comes back around!
School / Business Liaison The following BAC members have registered online: Ivelisse, B. Suzanne K., Elizabeth M., James G., Terry C. Kevin C., Cathy A. Can everyone take a moment to register for this school year? This information becomes data for our NAF report.
NAF Dinner Auction - BOOTS & BLING - March 3, 2017 Thanks Crooms team for attending and representing our council.
Unfinished / New Business / Partnership Updates Crooms 100-Annual Report PTSA - Thank you for purchasing desserts for TechFest XI Athletics - SAC - A special “thank you” to Gillian Mussell for representing Student Leadership. Much luck and success in your future endeavors!
Student Leadership Multicultural week Decorating doors and creating scenes from different countries to help educate students on diverse cultures and create a more well-rounded environment April 3 - 7 Door Contest Blood Drive Hosting the Big Red Bus and helping students sign up to give blood Elections New SGA President: Ashley Castillo
5th Annual Sanford Riverwalk 5K $8,076.09 (net) raised 589 runners Coming…… 6th Annual Sanford Riverwalk in Oct. 7, 2017
Summer Retreat @ Crooms AOIT August 4th, 2017 8 a.m. - noon Includes complimentary lunch RSVP by July 31, 2017
Give yourselves a high five! Let’s Wrap It Up! Give yourselves a high five!