Transition Readiness Review Renge App Team 01 Date: 11/26/2018
Outline Demo and discussion Test cases, Quality focal point Transition Plan
Project overview Operational concept unchanged Build Renge App into a social platform Stakeholders Overall system architecture Technical changes and challenges COTS Backend environment
Development status Frontend focus: Key UI elements involving user interaction Backend focus: Database interface functions Overall: Not a finished product yet Transition plan available
Transition objective and strategy Client should be able to continue development with ease Clear overall system architecture Quality of existing code Deliver documentation where needed
iOS DEMO Map Profile discovery view Notification Chat
Map Nearby venue searching Autocomplete and search Check-in UI
UserProfile Model Basic user profile info Need store relationship state with the user (partially implemented) Options: Requested, request sent, blocked, rejected Need to sync state with server (TODO)
Notification Mocked local notification When received request from other user Associate notification with the corresponding UserProfile model Updates the model according to response
Chat Friend and message pending list Working on chatting UI Using framework – MessageKit Send messages Receive messages(TODO) Store sent messages(TODO)
Backend Demo
Status Develop each function
CHECK LIST Create Account Delete account Add friend Delete Friend Block Friend Add venue Sign up events Sign out events Friend request Admin Manage
Test Cases and Results
Testing Overview Key missions: -Check if the functions meet the requirements -Quality assurance before the project go live Methodology : -View and work with sets of requirements that are linked from a requirements management application to test plans
Test Case – Venue Display TC Number Test Item Result TC-01-01 Venue could show anywhere on the map. Pass TC-01-02 Venue shows detailed information, including how many people of some profession is there. TC-01-03 A popup appears after the user chooses to check in, with the two options: confirm or cancel. TC-01-04 The user is redirected to the profile view after confirming checking in.
Test Case - Profile checking TC Number Test Item Result TC-02-01 User can view the profile of other users. Pass TC-02-02 User can see the profile picture and basic information in the profile view. TC-02-03 The profile view should contain details accessible after scrolling vertically. TC-02-04 User can switch between different users by swiping horizontally.
Test Case - Venue adding TC Number Test Item Result TC-03-01 User could add any venue they liked to their account. And database will update venue’s information meanwhile Pass TC-03-02 User could not add duplicate venue with same address name Fail TC-03-03 User could not add venue with empty address name
Test Case - User adding TC Number Test Item Result TC-04-01-01 When signing up, user could not left with the information content with empty string or continue empty spaces Pass TC-04-01-02 User could not input invalid character, such as fill age with non-digit character. If do, system would send back message notification TC-04-02 One user could not sign up twice with same email TC-04-03 One user could not send the request several times in short time. If do the system would send back system error message
Test Case - User adding TC Number Test Item Result TC-05-01-01 The user can send meet-up request to another user by using the button on their profile view. Fail TC-05-01-02 The user cannot send duplicate meet-up request immediately after sending the first one. TC-05-02-01 The user can receive a notification when he/she receives a meet-up request. And could choose between 3 actions: Confirm, View profile, Ignore. Pass TC-05-02-02 If user click confirm and ignore, user still stay in the same page. If choose view profile, they will redirect to profile page. TC-05-03 In the requesting page, if there is pending request, user should be able to see.
Test Case - Map Test TC Number Test Item Result TC-06-01 Check Map function : Pan/Zoom gestures. Pass TC-06-02 Check Map function : Custom location/venue markers. TC-06-03 Check Map function : Showing a users' current location.
Test Case - Search Map TC Number Test Item Result TC-07-01 The user can see their own location when on the map view anywhere. Pass TC-07-02 User could search for most positions and select from autocomplete list. TC-07-03 Can move map camera to that location after selection.
Test Case Admin Management TC Number Test Item Result TC-08-01 Admin could get all information of users who check in the certain venue Pass TC-08-02 Admin could delete any venue and user’s information from database
Quality Focal Point
Traceability Matrix 25 Core Capability Requirement Test Case OC-1 : Custom Venue Data WC_4894 : User can see other users and their professions, and the venue they are in TC-01-01 and TC-01-02 : Venue Display TC-02 : Profile Checking OC-2 : CheckIn WC_4891 : User can confirm that they are checked-in at a venue TC-01-03 and TC-01-04 : Venue Display OC-3 : Meet-Up Request WC_4883 : I can reject or consent to friend requests TC-05-02-01, TC-05-02-02, and TC-05-03 : Meet-Up Requests OC-4 : Profile Scroll
Traceability Matrix, cont. 26 Core Capability Requirement Test Case OC-5 : Add User Account WC_4895 : User can create a new account TC-04 : User Adding OC-6 : Add New Venue WC_4875 : User can add more events/venues TC-03 : Venue Adding
Test Case Code Coverage 27
Technical Debt Remaining 28 Description [Category] Mitigation Lack of automated testing due to schedule pressure [Life Cycle Management] Assist client in prioritizing code that is most in need of automated tests Front-end application is not tested on a variety of mobile devices [Methods, Processes and Tools] Recommend a course of action to the client Back-end scalability; performance has not been tested [Personal Shortfalls: Experience] Azure environment provides performance monitoring tools, which the client can utilize for future planning Lack of integration; front-end and back-end not “in synch” across the board [Life Cycle Management] Document the capabilities that currently lack development at one end or the other
Win-Condition Burndown 29 * Sources: Jira, Azure DevOps, WinBook
Summary and Transition Plan
Objective of Transition Plan Get ready for transition and test Deploy our app Test and evaluate app Deliver all the source code and the documentation work
Transition strategy Technical documentation about how to reuse code and manage the system will be provided Online guide and video tutorials are available for all software requirements Live chat support is available
Preparation Hardware Software Staff iphone, Mac Xcode, Visual Studio, Azure, Mapkit, Swift, C#, Github Developer Team, Tester, Client Use Mapkit frame to render map in our app Store geo-location and graph information in azure graph database Use swift to build interface with user with Xcode Set up backend process system by C#
Operational Testing, Training, and Evaluation 34 Back-end and Front-end code test procedures will be delivered to client Comments provided in back-end code to clarify inputs expected from front-end app calls Developers available via Slack channel for training and consultation on integration of existing code, as needed
Milestones Plan
Stakeholder Role & Responsibilities Date Role Responsibility 11/30/18 Client Provide feedback of finished technical tasks and maintenance and update schedule 12/02/18 Front-end Team Fix bugs/Test/Provide technical support Back-end Team Offer all challenge API and database set up Team Have all documents ready and deliver the whole function
Required Resources User Manual Simple guide on how to use features of our app Display different situation Technical Manual Document Software requirements Guide on how to use back-end API Guide on setting up database and how to manage it Source Code Github Azure