TOP DOWN MEETS BOTTOM UP IN SUNDERLAND! Phil Spooner Head of Regeneration and Housing Sunderland City Council
STRUCTURE Background – City, structures, experience The Challenge – achieving an effective balance between top down and bottom up Sunderland’s approach and experience Stocktake and next steps
BACKGROUND: THE CITY 300,000 people in 3 main settlement types and over 150 neighbourhoods broad, multi-faceted deprivation focus of many special regeneration programmes but … needed to sharpen up our act to attract funds in a competitive situation
BACKGROUND: STRUCTURES Strong record of partnership Go-ahead City Council with traditional values ‘Excellent’ rating in comprehensive Performance Assessment Increasingly well organised and networked voluntary/community sector Weak private sector Regeneration and Central Policy formed core of Chief Executive’s Department from mid 1990s
BACKGROUND: EXPERIENCE Regeneration programmes, their development, research, consultation, practical resident involvement City Strategy produced since 1997 Public Service Agreement pathfinder Best Value Pilot Authority 1998 Neighbourhood Renewal Fund, floor targets and the need to achieve clearer accountability and measurability Connecting and reconciling the needs, wants, aspirations of all main interests
‘DOWNWARDS’ Government, regional, City-level policies Government floor targets City Partnership priorities and imperatives Consistency of standards (completeness and quality) and approach wherever appropriate
‘UPWARDS’ Local research findings, issues, opportunities, priorities Outcomes of focus groups and other consultation methods Community Visioning Exercise Community Spirit / MORI Implementation practice, information, views, experience
WHERE TOP DOWN MEETS BOTTOM UP A continuously evolving approach featuring: Area Regeneration Frameworks issues opportunities priorities Area Regeneration Officers Area Committees and Council restructuring Area Partnerships Area Budgets Appraisals
Local Strategic Partnership Board Community Strategy Area Regeneration Framework Themed Partnerships Area Partnerships / Committees
AREA REGENERATION FRAMEWORKS OR PUT ANOTHER WAY … Policies Floor Targets Standards/consistencies AREA REGENERATION FRAMEWORKS Common format Outcome focus Holistic approach Performance management tool Local priorities Research Consultation outcomes Practice experience Customer feedback
PRACTICE INFLUENCING POLICY Primary care service delivery Community Police Task Forces Local labour in construction ‘Schools- plus’ developments Youth Parliament Diversity respected and valued Fundamental changes in process and approach to local regeneration Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy and Community Strategy
Stocktake We can achieve a productive balance between top down and bottom up The process is not without its tensions The process has been evolutionary Results have been promising but there is much more to do It’s a team game – we need Government, strategists, policy officers, practitioners and the community working together towards common goals The future will be exciting and challenging … will Government play its part?
NEXT STEPS Merge Community Strategy and Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy Develop Area Frameworks – scope and content Review how far all interests are ‘plugged in’ – minority ethnic communities, young, elderly private sector Refine and develop Area Partnerships Exploit e-technology to develop our approach